Cassidy Santos
Published in
1 min readMay 16, 2017


Yesterday I was outside and I noticed something interesting. I noticed that there were two plastic cups sitting near the door of my apartment. Obviously, someone had placed them down there instead of taking the 1 minute walk to the garbage. I decided to leave them there until I got back from class to see if anyone would move them. A little experiment, if you will. If no one had thrown them away by the time I got back from class, I would throw them away myself. I was gone from about 1030–3:30. Not suprinsingly, when I got back from class the cups were still there. What I did find suprising was that there was MORE garbage in the cups — cigarette butts, napkins, etc. I mean really. It is one thing to just walk passed the cups, maybe you do not feel the need to throw them out because you did not put them there. But it is another thing to ADD the the litter. The unwillingness to throw out the garbage was honestly shocking to me. People would rather create more litter then walk to the garbage and throw out their waste. I honestly thinks this speaks to how uneducated people are about the environment. If people knew how much they were hurting the environment, they would definitely make an effort to at least clean up their mess. Although it seems like something small, leaving waste outside and littering is doing more harm than people realize.



Cassidy Santos
Writer for

My name is Cassidy and I am senior at the University of Delaware studying English.