Influencers Negative Impact on Body Positivity and Health

Tatyana Groves
English 12H Mr. B
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2021

Social media influencers are having a negative impact on body positivity and health because they deceitfully mislead people on sponsored products. There are tons of articles that show celebrities lying about products on the internet just so they can get paid. If you want to know more about the impacts and why you should look into a product before buying it just because a celebrity has endorsed it then keep reading.

One of the main reasons why the internet is a big part of the negative body positivity image that we have today is because of the beauty standards that we have on social media. Especially when these big celebrities sponsor these products the wrong way. Instead of educating their followers on how to use these products safely and what they do to your body, they say these products work wonders and that they don’t workout. All they do is drink the tea and it gives them the desired waist that everyone wants. WHICH IS NOT TURE!!!

For example the Kardashians in the past have sponsored products like Tea me Tea(Teami), Fit Tea, SugarBearHair, Flat Tummy Tea and plenty of other products. “Flat Tummy Tea is a popular detox drink marketed to young women who want to decrease bloating and get a leaner-looking midsection. It is widely promoted by celebrity influencers on Instagram and other social media channels where before and after photos are shared.” “Many customers report little to no results, but others claim that the tea was effective. There are also YouTube videos that both support and criticize the product.” Even before the Kardashians there was Anna Nicole Smith who sponsored ephedra products, such a Hydroxycut. The pressure on young girls to look a certain way is tremendous. The hazards are not only on the body, but your mind as well. Influencers make a lot of money by creating this false body image and lifestyle that is unachievable by most.

Children are the most affected by these images on the internet. According to a 2017 report by BBC News “46% of 11 year-olds, 51% of 12 year-olds and 28% of 13 year-olds now have a social media profile”. Those numbers are pretty high for children of that age, and now a few years later you can only assume that the numbers are up even more since then.

Kylie sponsoring hair growth vitamins. Kim Kardashian sponsoring Flat Tummy Tea.

That ‘hourglass figure’ is what everyone wants so when they see it’s as easy as eating a gummy or drinking tea before bed they want to buy it. Many not knowing all the negative effects it can have on your body. Did you know that most of these teas on social media that are said to help with ‘weight loss’ are actually laxatives and can be harmful if taken too often? The picture above shows Kim with Flat Tummy Tea products claiming that she uses it and how it has been life changing, not disclaiming that she has had work done to her body in the past. If you are going to sponsor a product like that you should tell your followers the truth and let them know that they may not get the same results as you did and you should also disclaim that your body has been altered in the past due to surgery. Because withholding this gives people hope that if they spend money on what you use they will look exactly like you and that it works for everyone the same. Although there are some dangerous things that can happen when using these products, according to the Flat Tummy Tea website they state “Flat Tummy Tea helps to reduce bloating, support your metabolism, maintain a healthy immune system, boost energy, detoxify your system, and decrease water retention.” Most people report seeing no change but if these things interest you then you should look into this product. The website that promotes SugarBearHair claims that “The majority of our customers found their nails and skin quality improved over time while taking SugarBearHair.” However, there doesn’t appear to be any published study showing that the specific formula in SugarBearHair improves hair or nails.

If you want to try these products make sure you do your own research and look into what the safe amount to consume is. And also understand that you will not look exactly like these celebrities just because you got the product they sponsored. Most of them have gotten work done and refuse to tell their followers the truth. If you do decide to try any of these products make sure you follow the directions and be safe.

