The Debate on Net Neutrality

Amanda Blanchard
English 12H Mr. B
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2021

The internet is a huge aspect of the lives of all yet many are unaware of the ongoing battle of freedom on the internet. Net neutrality is the concept of freedom on the internet, meaning Internet Service Providers (IPS) cannot discriminate aspects on the web by slowing or tampering with data. In 2015, the Open Internet Order was put into place, classifying the internet as a common carrier and putting net neutrality rules into place. Later in 2017, those rules were disbanded and the internet was reclassified as an information source, removing net neutrality rules, causing the debate to grow. (Morton) Net neutrality regulations are evidently essential to ensure that Internet Service Providers cannot take total control over consumers, competition is kept strong, and free speech is preserved on the internet despite the fear of overreaching regulations involved.

The decrease in control for ISP is an important factor of net neutrality due to large companies’ desire for wealth causing their actions. Without net neutrality regulations in place, Internet Service Providers would be able to filter the content and data that consumers have access to. ISP may charge fees for any consumers trying to access certain sites and change the speed of sites to promote traffic on certain content while also slowing down others to discourage it. Prior to the Open Internet Order in 2014, providers such as AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon were reported to block the Google Wallet application due to its competitive factor regarding the mobile payment application Softcard. (Goldman) The ability to block applications creates an unequal experience for consumers on each varied provider and an overload of power. ISPs have control to increase their profits without much thought of the experience of the consumer and accessibility in mind, showing the need for regulations in place.

A visual of Paid Prioritization (
Coffman, Jody. “Net-Neutrality Appeal Upheld, But States Still Can Act.” WRBI Radio, 4 Oct. 2019,

Competition is a huge driving force of innovation while also fueling the economy and preventing monopolies. Net neutrality helps to preserve a free market with competition by limiting large companies from taking advantage of smaller ones by putting all on equal footing. A company’s success would be determined by quality rather than deals made since in that case, larger companies would overrule the smaller companies. ( Without net neutrality, a small company could easily be overruled by a competing company through paid prioritization, which means people who pay more get faster service. Competition between companies on the internet is what keeps innovation at its peak and the continued growth of services on the web. An open internet with net neutrality leads to an open market where all companies can thrive.

With net neutrality regulations in place, free speech is promoted throughout the internet to promote equality. As a country of freedom, the internet should not limit an individual’s voice. Without a free internet, companies with ideas that contrast the beliefs of ISPs could be blocked or slowed down due to the overload of control ISPs have. The constitutional belief of freedom should not be prevented by a large service provider not having the same beliefs. Net neutrality ensures that anything legal will be available on the internet despite the background or ideas to ensure everyone can voice their opinions.

“Tell Your Senator to Restore Net Neutrality.” Indivisible, 15 Apr. 2019,

The concept of freedom with net neutrality is combated by the past growth of companies on the internet without these regulations in place. Before net neutrality was put into place, many large companies like Google, Youtube, Facebook, and more were able to grow into success without regulation. (Morton) However, since those companies started up, the internet has only grown to be more competitive and difficult for smaller companies to get built up. Without wealth for paid prioritization, new companies will quickly be slowed and less friendly for consumers, alike to a new search engine not being able to keep up with Google if it is slowed down by ISP who are paid more by Google. (Shepard) Net neutrality is needed to ensure that new companies can have a chance since the internet has changed greatly since early companies of success had begun.

In 2021, the battle for freedom on the internet only continues to grow. With the repeal of many regulations in 2017, net neutrality was removed and trust was put in ISP to be transparent and stay fair. With more states filing against the 2018 order to remove net neutrality, the debate only grows (Federal Communications Commission). Freedom on the internet through net neutrality is essential for both consumers and companies to make the internet a fair place.

Works Cited

Goldman, David. “Verizon Blocks Google Wallet.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, 6 Dec. 2011,

Morton, Heather. Net Neutrality 2020 Legislation,

“Restoring Internet Freedom.” Federal Communications Commission, 3 Oct. 2019,

Shepherd, Adam. “The Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality.” IT PRO, IT Pro, 13 May 2020,

“Should Net Neutrality Be Restored? — Top 3 Pros and Cons.”, 3 July 2020,

