The Strength and Power of Women

J Stone
English 2830: Women Writers
4 min readDec 14, 2015

The Strength and Power of Women is undeniably a most profound and direct influence on the progress of society. The reason for the strenght of our country (as well as other countries) does not come from what happens in politics or in business but rather comes from the Women who have nobely guided, worked, lead, and built the solid foundation of a respectable society. Women who set out to do good and cause change for the better. These readings discuss many of the deep, moving, influential, and significant stories of such Women. Advocating the position of Motherhood and in some of these texts the positions of Women in the LDS Church. Perspectives I find misrepresented in the media and university. The Authors of these texts are well acomplished in their chosen proffesional fields and have been profound voices in the topics that they discuss.

We Are Our Mother’s Daughter’s by Cokie Roberts

Cokie Roberts is a well accomplished American journalist (abc news) and Author. “We Are Our Mothers’s Daughter’s” tells the stories of the many women she has known and her experiences with them. Cokie tells the stories of a Sister, Politician, Consumer Advocate, Aunt, Soldier, First-Class Mechanic, Friend, Reporter, Civil Rights Activist, Wife, Mother/Daughter, and Enterpriser. All Women she has grown with, mourned with, and laughed with. She asks the question, “What is a woman’s place?”. Cokies artful and tasteful approach to this question is a reflection of her sensitive and professional skill as a journalist. Each story advocates the strength and power of women.

Women and the Priesthood by Sheri Dew

Both a successful author and publisher, as well as president and chief executive officer of the Deseret Book Company, Sheri Dew shares her beliefs and thoughts about Women who are members of, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In, “Women and the Priesthood,” Sheri Dew discusses the opportunity that women in the church have in; leadership, praying, preaching, missionary work, and teaching. Also stating that women in the church have had these opportunities as far back as the 1800’s. She does a fantastic job at correcting and reversing many of the false assumptions about the position of women in the church. She expounds on the Priesthood, what it is, who holds it, who that Priesthood Power is available to, and the importance of women in the church and their access to that Priesthood. An excerpt from her book states, “I know that a woman’s greatest influence and power come from purity, from being true to her divine nature, and from learning how to access the power of God.”

I Am A Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson

Jane Clayson Johnson has been in the careers of broadcasting from KSL-TV to National and International news for programs like, Good Morning America. She is also a Mother. Through out her life and career Jane has frequently heard the question, “What do you do?” (referring to a persons work). When many women around her would respond they would say, with an apologetic tone, “I am just a Mom.” Jane found this response to be puzzling. In, “I Am a Mother,” Jane discusses the importance of Mothers and the work that they do. That the work of a mother is not weak or wastful but is a honorable position for the strong. Universities and Businesses say that success is determined by achievement, I share an excerpt from her book, “I believe, from the depths of my heart, that a righteous mother is the embodiment of success.” Jane’s warm tone and profound insight advocates motherhood and a mothers significance. That a mother is not, “Just a Mom.”

A Woman’s Power by Fay A. Klinger

Fay A. Klinger is an author, illustrator, and popular motivational speaker. “A Woman’s Power,” while more directed towards an audience within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, speaks fervently about the power of women. This particular text covers the power and strength LDS women have within the church as church members. A motivational and informative piece that discusses the purpose and divinity of women. Her discussion also covers subjects of Identity, who women are in an eternal perspective.

