November 6, 2017 Class Notes


1. Reminders / Due Dates

2. Updated syllabus is in Google Drive —

  • updates dates to account for my absence last week
  • provides additional guidance on paper

3. Other issues / concerns?

Next Week — Week 11 — November 13 — LOS ANGELES ARCHIVES, PART 1

Assignment Due This Week: [Email links to posts to Professor by 5pm on Saturday, November 11 at]

  • Reading / watch blog posts
  • Tracking / log post

Reading Due This Week:

Discussion / In-Class Work

  • Review reading / watch blog posts
  • Review tracking / log post
  • Business plan exercise

This week

  1. Review Logs
  2. Lecture Notes —
  3. Discuss reading / watch blog posts



Gary Dauphin
Ethnic Media in Los Angeles: A Class Blog

I lead digital interpretation efforts at the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art