September 25th Class Notes

Gary Dauphin
Ethnic Media in Los Angeles: A Class Blog
2 min readSep 25, 2017


Posts are due SATURDAYS BY 5PM

Reminders / Due Dates

  • A reporting plan, October 9.
  • Moodboards, due beginning November 13
  • Final papers — DUE DECEMBER 15 by 5:00 pm

Other issues / concerns?

Next Week — Week 5 — October 2 — WHAT IS ETHNIC MEDIA?

Assignment Due This Week: [Email links to posts to Professor by 5pm on Saturday, September 30 at]

  • Reading response
  • Tracking post

Reading Due This Week:

  • Matsaganis, Katz, Ball-Rokeach, “What are Ethnic Media?” Understanding Ethnic Media: Producers, Consumers, Societies, pgs 3–23 (PDF)

This week

Lecture —

Review reading / watch blog posts / venue logs

Megan —
Edward -
Kirstyn —
Jonanthan -
Tallie —
Kimberly —
Abby —
Stephany —
Eva —

Introduction to reporting plan — a 1-page roadmap and schedule

  • Recap — Venue, demo, neighborhood
  • Venue’s history — founders, circumstances of founding, story of venue from the to now
  • Neighborhood / audience concept — This is a placeholder/freebie as this will be coming from your moodboard research
  • Venue’s business model / advertising strategy
  • Venue’s archive — print / digital / radio / broadcast all have different requirements. How will you access?
  • Competitive landscape
  • Share some initial/preliminary hypotheses — By 10/9 you will have spent almost a month looking at your venue. See anything of note so far? Take a risk!
  • Timeline — What will be done any when. Keep in mind that the syllabus has cordoned off December 4th as workshop day for your final papers, so I would need a draft to review the week before to be able to provide meaningful feedback.



Gary Dauphin
Ethnic Media in Los Angeles: A Class Blog

I lead digital interpretation efforts at the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art