
Jessica Schmit
English 571: JS
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2015

The Interventionists: Chapter 4


Bradford uses direct examples to explain how his mind works when asked to design a new project. The biggest and most important aspect of design: to really, really understand what it is you are designed past what someone is asking you to understand.

Key points:

  • Camden: built a giant blocky model of the city instead of a book so that narrator could walk through, life things, move things, etc.
  • Calories: conventions that obscure it’s simplest principle; all calories are not the same and counting whole calories means much less than counting calorie parts
  • Plate Tectonics: asked to diagram a book about the subject; a young science with constantly changing discoveries, Bradford had to truly understand the subject matter to be able to design it
  • Keynotes: because Cliff Notes was too dense; summing books up into diagrams
  • Curriculum Dictionary: re-writing school dictionaries; separating the different meanings of words into groups of similar-senses
  • The New Book of Knowledge: job of encyclopedia is to explain, how can we do that best?
  • Cosmic comics: linking ideas without words and rather with ideas shown as pictures of symbols

Critical questions:

Analyze his discussion of Keynotes. How does all of this relate to so many of the criticisms of modern information?

