Possible Essays to Remix

Nikki Francois
English 571
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2015
  1. Unsustainable Fishing (April 25, 2012)

A look at unsustainable fishing in the world and what’s wrong with it.

What led me to this topic? We had to pick an issue to talk about involving the ocean, and it seemed really interesting. it’s a wicked problem.

How I felt about it? I felt strongly about it after researching more and more about unsustainable fishing. It’s disgusting how large fisheries deal with these issues, including the fact they kill sea creatures that they don’t mean to catch.

What surprised me? How there’s not really many regulations in the sea and how not many people know about the issue. Almost 90 percent of the ocean’s largest fish have been fished out.

What would I change? It was very academic, I wish I could have added more of my opinions to it.

Orignal Stakeholders: Me & my professor

Potentional new stakeholders: Maybe educating more people who don’t know about this problem-people who don’t live on the coasts who can’t see this problem.

2. Beauty and the Teased (May 2014)

A research paper done after conducting actual research on the effects Disney movies had on children and how they feel about their self-eesteem now.

What led me to the topic? Well, i’ve always been obsessed with Disney, and it was around the time when everyone was obsessed with Frozen, so I wanted to take a look into media effects.

How I felt about it: I love Disney, but I was really into seeing if there were any correlations with self-eesteem and the media women consumed as children.

What surprised me: there were actually some correlation between self-esteem and certain Disney movies.

What I’d do differently: Start writing it earlier (oops).

Original stakeholders: My professor, my TA, me and all of the college-aged women I gave the survey to.

Potential stakeholders: Maybe get men involved??



Nikki Francois
English 571

Journalism and French Major at UW-Madison. Harry Potter, Chipotle and Netflix are my liiife.