ENGL 1302 / Fall 2020 / Schedule

Brock Kingsley
English Composition 1302 (24326)
3 min readAug 19, 2020


Week 1 10/19–10/22: Reading As A Writer

For our purposes, in this course, we’re not all that concerned with what a poem, story, or essay “means.” No one can stop you from thinking about, or deciphering, meaning. Our primary attention will be on how something was made, looking at the components (word choice, rhythm, metaphor, POV, etc), the hidden machinery — think of it like an exotic car: shiny and fancy on the outside, but it’s still made up of paint, bolts, wires , carbon fiber…you get the point (maybe that wasn’t the best analogy). Okay, on with the schedule:

First: Read “Against Interpretation,” by Susan Sontag (all readings on BlackBoard); Watch, “Video Essay — Last Year At Marienbad”

Slack: in the channel #interpretation tell us a line that stuck out from Sontag, and something you took away from the video.

Practice: Take a look at the Jackson Pollock painting “Greyed Rainbow” (on BlackBoard). How does it make you feel? What do you notice about how it is made? Try not to think about what it means.

Do: On Medium, write a post about interpretation (or meaning). That’s all the instruction you need. Use the tag: Interpretation

Then: take a look at the PowerPoint “Reading As A Writer” on BlackBoard

Week 2 10/26–10/29 Image and Metaphor

First: Read “Ch.2 Image” and look at the PowerPoint “Imagism” and read the two poems within.

Read: “Michiko Dead,” by Jack Gilbert, “Those Winter Sundays,” by Robert Hayden, and “Metaphors,” by Sylvia Plath

Slack: Ask me questions about the above readings, or whatever else you need to ask, using the channel #imageandmetaphor

Look at Project 1: Take a look at the project sheet on BlackBoard and start thinking about it.

Week 3 11/2–11/5: Image and Metaphor cont.

Read: “The Colonel,” by Carolyn Forche, “A Story About the Body,” by Robert Haas, and “This Is How I Remember It” by Betsy Kemper

Do: Work on Project 1 and post by Monday or Tuesday of Week 4 use the tag Project 1

Week 4 11/9–11/12: POV and Voice

Just a lot of reading this week:

First: PowerPoint: “POV/Voice,” and read “Ch. 3 Voice”

Read: “First,” by Ryan VanMeter, “Girl,” by Jamaica Kincaid, “Varsity,” by Brock Kingsley “Hills Like White Elephants,” Ernest Hemingway, “I Heard A Fly Buzz…” Emily Dickinson

Slack: questions? Channel #povvoice

Do: Look at Project 2; make sure you’ve posted Project 1. Project 2 should be posted by Monday or Tuesday of week 7

Week 5 11/16–11/19: POV/Voice cont

Do: Pick one of the readings from Week 4 and write about how POV and voice are working. Post this on Medium using the tag POV

Read: “The Death of John O’Brien,” by Doug Watson, and “So Much Water So Close To Home,” by Raymond Carver

Do: “John O’Brien: A Quiz of Sorts” on BlackBoard — it’s not really a quiz; I’m not sure why I call it a quiz… And work on Project 2

Week 6 11/23–11/26: No Class — Thanksgiving Break

Week 7 11/30–12/3 Story and Character

First: Post Project 2 by Monday or Tuesday. Make sure to use the tag Project 2

Also: Look at Project 3

Do: Look at PowerPoint “Story and Character” and read “Ch 4: Character”

Read: “Bullet In The Brain,” by Tobias Wolff, “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” by Flannery O’connor, “Bactine,” by Donald Ray Pollock

Slack: I’ll be asking some general questions about story and character on Wednesday and Thursday. I’ll use the channel #storyandcharacter. Of course, you should always feel free to post observations or questions on your own, as well.

Week 8 12/7–12/10: Work Week

Two additional poems: “Fast Gas,” by Dorianne Laux, “My Papa’s Waltz,” by Theodore Roethke.

Do: Work on Project 3 and your reflective essay. As always, reach out if you have questions, need help, want to talk. Whatever it is, if you need to reach out, please do.

Week 9 12/14–12/17

Email project 3 and your Final reflective essay. Thank you for being awesome.



Brock Kingsley
English Composition 1302 (24326)

Writer, artist, educator. Recent work in Epiphany, The Chicago Review of Books. brockkingsley.com