Project 1

Emulation of In a Station of the Metro by Ezra Pound

In a Room of the Hospital

The clatter of the scalpels on the tray

Disinfectant on the clean, white halls.

Emulation of The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams

The Black Personal Computer

we closely live


a black personal


cloaked with fine


beneath the wood


I choose In a Station of the Metro and The Red Wheelbarrow because I felt it would be harder to replicate a shorter poem than a long short story where there is a lot more space to adapt to the writer's style. In a shorter piece, it is harder to emulate the author because there are more constraints.

Both works had a limit on word count and structure which made it much more difficult to accurately present the idea that I wanted to. Especially for The Red Wheelbarrow, the stanzas were only 4 words each and it was hard to find words that worked well.

I took a lot of time just to find synonyms of words in a thesaurus to find the correct words to portray my ideas in the constraints I had. In a Station of the Metro, I googled words that I was not expecting to use but had to because of size constraints.

The value of mimesis in my eyes is to provide a new perspective on different ways to write and to limit yourself so you have to think and plan more carefully what words you want and can use. It provides many different ways to write by making you look closer at how an author writes.

