Why I write

Aakash Kurapati
English Composition 1302 (24326)
2 min readSep 4, 2020

I never particularly knew that I wanted to be a writer, but from a young age, I would never write. I was sloppy, I could not read my own handwriting, I struggled at it. From this, I finally had to write when it came to school assignments. I was in second grade when I was assigned my first essay: my life story. I was anxious. I was never an English kid. I could multiply and divide better than anyone in the grade, but when it came to writing, I froze. I realized that I would have to exit my comfort zone, and when I did, I finally realized that I genuinely enjoyed writing.

Despite being a STEM kid, writing has lots of appeal to me. Writing complements my mindset and my thinking process; writing is a simple logical process that allows us to connect with others. Like math, writing has many ways of getting to the end goal, but ultimately results in the same end goal of communicating with others. When I write, I write to express my beliefs. When I write, I write to encapsulate all of the emotions, the feelings, the experiences around me and present them in the truest way possible. I write to tell a story. Whether it is about an experience, an idea, a theory, or a hypothesis for a scientific experiment, all writing is a story. A story of ideas, a story of experiences, or a story of beliefs. To tell stories is to connect with others, to feel what they feel, and to think what they think. It is because of this that I write to connect more with others. With writing, I can connect with family thousands of miles away, or simply write a note to a friend sitting next to me in class. I don’t only write to connect with others however. I write to help organize my thoughts and to stay on schedule.

When I write outside of English assignments, I write to remind myself of things, to make sure I stay on schedule. What I mean by this is that I write oftentimes to organize messy thoughts in my head, to clear them out, and come out of it with a uniform, logical idea or theory. I also write to make sure I stay on top of things. I will write reminders on my phone, notes on sticky notes, or things to do on my whiteboard to ensure that I will remain organized, and planned.

Overall when I write, it is to connect myself to the world.

