Argument Essay

Ria Taluja
English Composition 1302 (24354)
3 min readOct 12, 2020

Coming from a high school that has more than 90% of its graduates go into college or university of some kind, the thought of anything different is alarming and unusual. But, why?

Going to college or not has never really been an option for me, and I’m sure the same thing applies to many others. I have rarely ever stopped to consider what I want to do if I chose not to go to college without immediately dismissing the idea. The more I think about it, the more reasons I find to explain why choosing not to go to college should be less stigmatic than it has appeared to me for my whole life. So, here are the most compelling reasons I have:

  1. Going to college is crazy expensive. The price of tuition at many schools has dramatically increased in recent years, and probably will continue to. The thing is, people will pay for it. So why would they stop? Personally, I don’t think there is any reason to need to pay some crazy amount of money for a school to give you a piece of paper telling you that they think you’re smart. But, in this day and age, that piece of paper means a lot. I think it’s a reasonable decision not to go to college because of the price. If you are able to still get a job and create a good life for yourself, there should be no shame in that.
  2. Not everybody can choose what they want to do for the rest of their life at the age of 18. Although you can always go back to college if you decide to pursue a different interest, that is not a very accessible option for most people. The expense and time commitment a person has to put into going back to college would easily be a deterrent as they already probably have many other responsibilities. For some people, working for a few years after high school to determine what they are truly passionate about is the best option.
  3. Colleges just can’t teach some things. For example, I really enjoy baking. But, there is no way for me to improve my skills and learn more about baking through a traditional university. I could easily major in something like nutrition that is related, but I just don’t have a passion for it. In order to fully immerse myself in baking, I would have to choose to go to a culinary school over a traditional college. However, I am apprehensive to do so because I am worried that others will look down on me for not choosing the “normal” route. Although I know that I could make a good life for myself through this route, which is ultimately the most important thing, social norms have scared me out of exploring this possibility, as I’m sure they have for others as well.

At the end of the day, I think it is best to choose the path that makes you the happiest, even though it might be hard to adjust to at first. Taking a step back and assessing how you would handle your life without the influence of others can be a necessary step to creating a life you truly want to live and will thrive in.

