New guy

English Composition 1302 (24354)
2 min readDec 1, 2020

We were all in high school around the ages of 15–18, just sitting in the locker room doing what we always do. Then a boy walked in nobody knew who he was, where he came from, or what he was doing here. Coaches pulled us together telling us we have a new kid on our team. He was short, skinny, and looked like he should not be playing football, but we took him in just like family as we normally would. I never saw him at school and wondered where he was, it came time to practice and he never showed up, everyone was confused and talking about where he was. After practice ended we all went up to coach for his to talk to us about practice, just as we normally would he talked about what we did good and or bad. After he finished about practice he told us the new kid got beat up in the bathroom today for being the new small kid. We were all confused about it and thought why would somebody do that. We just went along with our days and all went home, the next day I saw him walk into the bathroom and some big guy followed behind him. He was already all bruised and bloodied up from the day before, I ran into the bathroom and saw him pinned against the wall I shoved the dude off him and punched him the school officer walked in and threw me off of the bully. I explained what had happened and we both got ISS my parents were very happy with what I did and our coaches applauded me for it. I was kind of upset because now I had to sit out for a week of football but, the officer revoked it because I was helping the kid. Now the new kid is our starting running back and is my best friend.

