Personal Essay

English Composition 1302 (24354)
2 min readSep 18, 2020

This year has been one of the most wild years of my life. It started out pretty normal with just going to school day in and day out. Then Corona hit, it was a weird time I had never experienced a pandemic of such sort in my life. I remember when the Ebola outbreak hit when I was in middle school but it was never as much of a scare like Corona was and still is.

During the time of the Corona virus I went fishing every day and worked out in the early mornings. My day was pretty much the same every day, wake up, workout for about three hours, then do football, then some sort of school homework which we never really had. After I finished that I would go fishing with my buddy Elijah. We would fish for about four hours every day, some days we caught a ton some days we caught zero. Life was easy. I felt free. I never had too much on my plate and everyday felt like summer to me.

After the fishing times were over me and all my buddies started playing Spikeball. We would have giant tournaments and play for money which was so fun because they would last for up to two or three hours. We soon got over Spikeball because we played so much every day to where it felt repetitive. At about that time is when PC started. PC is our football strength and conditioning program we have over summer. We got up super early and did weights and running almost every day, which was brutal on my body so I usually went home and napped after PC. I really should’t have napped after football because half my day was gone by then, but after I’d usually play some Xbox or go lift again which I enjoyed a lot.

During the end of summer me and four of my buddies went to our friends river house South of Houston for four days. We had an awesome time. Every day we would go out on the boat, fish, or just do anything that sounded fun. It felt like freedom. We had no rules, well we did have some, but not a lot so it made us feel like we were invincible for the time being.

Then school had to start which kinda stunk because all of the freedom of summer was lost. No more late nights on Xbox, or late night Whataburger runs. Even though school started I was happy to see all of the people I hadn’t over summer which was awesome for me. I love reconnecting with people I have not seen in awhile.

To sum it up quarantine and summer were a blast for me and I can’t wait to see where this year goes. Hopefully in the near future everything can go back to normal and we can all go out and about like we used to.

