Project 1

Luke Peretti
English Composition 1302 (24354)
2 min readNov 11, 2020

Emulation of “The Red Wheelbarrow” — The Rusted Bucket

The water trickles


Into that rusted


Caked with cold


Beside the black


Emulation of “In a station at the Metro”- In the Airport

The contrast of personalities all around:

Snowflakes falling on a cold night.

I chose to imitate “The Red Wheelbarrow” by William Carlos Williams because I found it interesting how he was able to include so much detail and tell a story in such a short and simple manner. I found it more enjoyable to write a poem in this fashion rather than a long repetitive style. I also chose to imitate “In a Station at the Metro” by Ezra Pound because I enjoyed the way she used imagery as a metaphor in the last line to show the translucentness and carelessness of the people in the station.

The selection of the works I used was very difficult because I have never been very good at writing poems so I immediately chose to write a short story. However, after reading “The Red Wheelbarrow” I realized that not all poems are long stanzas with difficult rhyme schemes. I decided to try to write two poems instead and found them to be much more difficult than I had realized. I rewrote the poems three or four times trying to mimic the way both the poems were written before I was satisfied. In the end, I still found these much more enjoyable to write rather than a normal short story.

The use of mimesis during the creating of this project has helped me understand poetry much more than just reading and annotating each story. It has helped me learn and understand how to write poetry such as, how to use imagery to strengthen metaphors and create a theme. It taught me that writing poetry is not as easy as it looks but can be much more enjoyable than a normal writing style.

