Project 1

English Composition 1302 (24354)
2 min readNov 9, 2020
  1. )love is not for her Based on Jack Wilbert

He is without sleep

the thought of her all night,

His heart like mud

no love in sight.

She sits alone

not a man in sight

she feels as love

not worth the fight.

The man is diligent

with his love in sight

she walks away

without a fight

2.) The boy who made it Based on Robert Hayden

There he was sitting alone on his work post

He never moved doing his job not a day went by he didn’t see fog

His days were dark and never fun, he didn’t have a childhood

he never complained about his work, he just worked and worked all day in the dirt

the day came by where he thought he was free,

but slowly and slowly his hope would flee

He found a love, his masters daughter

she was tall and beautiful he had to have her,

They became lovers and the boy was set free,

he knew how to work and never tried to flee.

Artist Statement:

I chose the two artist Robert Hayden and Jack Wilbert really I don’t know why they just stuck out to me on the Rubric. I had a few challenges with my poems, one was figuring out what to write it took me a couple minutes but once I figured it out the words just kept flowing out of me. Another challenge was vocabulary my vocab is not the best so it was hard to find good words to go into my poems. My last challenge had to be the title I wrote the entire poem and couldn’t think of titles so i had to go on websites and find something related to my theme and try and work off that eventually I got it all worked out.

