Review of Time and Distance Overcome

Alexis Dillard
English Composition 1302 (24354)
1 min readSep 8, 2020

It was interesting to read the beginning, which talked about how the invention of the telephone was not something that America was waiting for. And even more surprising was, as the story progressed, that it showed the different attitudes people had towards the institution of telephone poles. I never could have imagined a time where there weren’t telephone poles everywhere you look and a time in which people disliked the idea of being able to connect with others over long distances. The history behind the telephone is new to me because I had never known that in the beginning people would cut and chop down telephone poles. This story also enlightened me to the period in our history where people used to be hung from telephone poles. Reading this made me think about the ways in which opinions about advancements in our world change over time and through different generations. My question is: how did the American people change their way of thinking from hating telephone poles to not being able to imagine a world without them?

