“Time and Distance”

Paris Coleman
English Composition 1302 (24354)
1 min readSep 10, 2020

It amazes me to think that a human mind was capable to invent the telephone. What they had to imagine in order to get the telephone poles to work properly is insane. It is also strange to think that at first people, including the city council, did not like the idea of the telephone poles and would call the police to chop and cut them down. They didn’t want telephone poles. Throughout the story, we progessed from hating the idea of telephone poles to having more telephone poles then bathtubs. This story also brought to my attention that the telephone poles were being used to hang black people, they would leave them there to die. They used telephone poles as a way to hurt and murder people. As time progressed, the telephone poles and technology continued to become more advance and our opinions changed on the telephone poles. #Response

