“Why I write”

Jenna Laverock
English Composition 1302 (24354)
2 min readSep 2, 2020

Reading, writing and spelling are something I use on a daily basis and not once has the thought of ‘loving writing, reading and spelling’ crossed my mind, at least not recently. I did once love writing, in fact, I had dreams of being an author like Enid Blyton sitting in a coffee shop in Manchester writing my own version of the wishing tree. I’m not sure when or how but that love seemed to dwindle and writing become nothing more than a to-do task.

I grew up in Australia and it’s where I learnt how to read, spell and write. I read old english children's books from when my dad was a little boy growing up in Scotland and thats the language I grew up on. The language of old England. I remember in 7th grade I had an English teacher called Mrs Hazel, she’s the type of teacher that I will never forget, she not only just taught us about writing academically but she introduced to us the importance of writing therapeutically and for enjoyment. I had never thought about writing in that sense, in my mind it had always just been a task meant for school.

I sometimes forget that writing can be entertaining, when I moved to the United States I felt extremely out of place. From the way people greeted one another, the way people dressed even down to the school system everything was extremely different for me. I used to love writing, I was so excited for english class and writing personal narratives where I can use my imagination and creativity to create something for someone else to enjoy. Unfortunately, as I got older and I moved, my love for writing wained out, I assume it had to do with a different grammar system or the huge change in my life. I ended up writing just because I had to for school.

That is why I write right now, I want that reason to be different and I believe that as I get older I will begin to find that passion again. I want the reason for why I write to be that I write because it gives me a release from the real world and life’s stresses, I can be a different person, I can be the full extent of me without the fear of judgement and I can supply entertainment to whoever stumbles across my writings. I want to be selfish with writing in the sense that I don’t allow academics or peoples opinions to diminish my love for writing. I want to fall in love with writing again.

