Writing is/Writing matters

Tessa Martinko
English Composition 1302 (24354)
1 min readAug 28, 2020

Writing is an important activity, art form, or task many do in their everyday lives; yet to me, it is so much more. Writing gives me and others the ability to express our thoughts, putting words down on paper that may be hard to say aloud. The idea that I am able to express myself in writing gives me a safe environment to expel my emotions and thoughts from the day. Writing matters because it can involve so many different time periods, views, songs, activities, and more. Writing is so broad and so universal it gives many the access to many different cultures and time periods. When I'm reading old letters in history or even reading about a certain time period I don't often realize that without writing we would not know much at all. It gives us the ability to learn and grow as humans and as a civilization; a concept which is, and will be, extremely important for years to come.#engl1301

