Argument Essay- Why Teachers Should be Payed More

Erin Mann
English Composition 1302 (24374)
3 min readOct 11, 2020

I believe that teachers should be payed more than they currently receive. It’s a difficult job, and I think the low salary often turns people away.

In my opinion, being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs out there. They work every day from morning till evening, and then spend time after school and on the weekends grading papers and creating new assignments for their students. They also have to deal with problematic students, conferencing with parents, and some even have to spend their summers teaching summer school. Overall, it’s extremely time consuming on their part.

I did some research about why teachers should be payed more, and I found some interesting facts that I would like to share: 1) 76% of people agree that people avoid a career in teaching because it doesn’t pay enough. 2) When a higher salary is offered, the size and quality of teacher applicants increases. 3) 18% of U.S. teachers have a second job to earn extra money. 4) Many teachers routinely qualify for government benefits (food stamps & health care programs). 5) A 10% increase in teacher pay results in a 5–10% increase in student performance.

After learning all of this, I know that I am not alone in believing that teachers deserve more for their hard work.

Teachers are a huge neccesity in everyone’s lives. They help young kids build the foundation for their education, and older kids to prepare for the rest of their lives. They help us in our journies to our future jobs, and it is completely impossible to succeed without them. I strongly believe that if a higher salary is offered for school teachers, tons of people would pursue a career in education.

I enjoy being around young kids, so being an elementary teacher is kind of like a dream job for me. However, the low pay is a big downside for me. For my whole life, my mom has stayed at home with me and my brother while my dad works. I loved having her at home, and I would like for my future kids to also have a parent (mom OR dad) to stay at home with them while they’re growing up. If I were to become a teacher, I am likely to encounter a problem when I start to have my own kids: If my husband makes more money at his job than I do as a teacher, it would make more sense for me to quit my job and become a stay-at-home mom. While I would enjoy the luxury of being able to stay home with my kids, I would be sad to give up my career based solely on the fact that my salary isn’t high enough. Since 76% of school teachers are female (and 24% male), this further continues the cycle of women staying home with the kids while the husband goes out and works. I think teachers should at least be payed enough to support their families if they want to.

To sum everything up, I believe that the salary for school teachers should increase. A higher pay would attract more candidates for the job, increase student grades, and inspire students to pursue a career as a teacher. I think it’s a good career, it just needs a little boost to make it really great.

