Dry Tree

Aubrey Pham
English Composition 1302 (24374)
1 min readSep 10, 2020

“Dry Tree” focuses on the events surrounding the character Knute Cachan and the main character’s relationship with him. Knute is described as a passive boy who is constantly teased by his peers. Because he is not as fortunate as his peers, his social status suffers as well. The main character’s illustration of Knute and their relationship makes the reader develop a sense of pity towards him. While the main character also pities Knute, he or she mentions two unfortunate events through figurative language that resulted in damage to Knute’s private area. Because of the accidents caused by two animals, Knute is seriously injured which furthers his humiliation of what he can no longer do or have by his peers. Knute represents the Dry Tree as he lies down bleeding. Because just like the tree, Knute is slowly losing something vital for him to live. #Response

