Effects of social media on female teenagers and American politics

Libby Dyer
English Composition 1302 (24374)
3 min readOct 8, 2020

Social media is what the devil uses to get into our heads. Every day, when we wake up, the first thing we do is pick up our phone and check all our social media to see what all we have missed. The social media companies have created the layout to catch our attention. It pulls us into another world.

As far as the effect on teenagers, it puts this stereotype in our minds that we have to have a small waist, big butt, and big boobs to be attractive. Yeah, that’s is absolutely not the truth at all. When we scroll though the feed, it is filled with models and girls who have based their life on the approval of others. Boys have also put this false idea in womens minds. They comment of posts judging how girls eyes are far apart, how they are too tall, or too short. They say that we need makeup and have these perfect bodies. When us girls see these comments on our posts and other girls posts, it bring our confidence very low. It makes us think that we are not good enough to be loved or looked at. That we have no purpose at all in this world.

Suicides have tremendously increased because the beauty standards are discustingly hurtful. We see how “perfect” other girls lives are and we feel sorry for ourselves. This is why there are so many depressed teens in the 21st centery. I have been borderline depressed because of this for awhile now. I have a boyfriend and he likes girls pictures that are half naked and have perfect bodies on instagram and it makes me feel as if I am not good enough for him. I wish I lived in the 80’s where cell phones and social media was not existant. If this was not the case, girls would have so much more confidence and suicide would decrease in my opinion.

Regarding the media based on politics, this is what is causing all the bias and false information news that is shared to our country. If you haven’t noticed, the people of America right now are rioting, burning down buildings, and destroying their home cities and towns any way as possible. This is because the social media organizes your feed to where it only shows you posts about what your opinion and not others peoples way of viewing what is going on. This is causing us to hate the people who do not agree with you. You do not see and hear about the facts of the other side and so you feel entitled to what you believe. Families can’t sit down at a dinner table anymore and have a reasonable talk about politics these days. It is catastrophic to our government election years.

It is crazy how much fake news is spread out everyday. This country is the most bias country of all. We are all turning onto each other during a time when what we need the most is to stand together as one and be supportive. It is absolutely out of line for us to be acting this way. We need to stand up for our beautiful country we live in and stop being selfish.

