Clayton Peretti
English Composition 1302 (24374)
4 min readDec 17, 2020


Peace in nature

He walked alongside

He was quite slow, however,

I always out ran him

But never left him

At times he would slow and just stare

Listening to me rush by

Like one of those huge pine trees beside him

He was so peaceful

And I think that’s why he was here

To be at peace

To listen

To walk

To do anything but talk

He was a good man


“Open the door,” I heard whisper

Not quite sure where it came from

Or if it even came from anywhere but my thoughts

But anyhow I listened

It opened with what can only be described as a horrifying squeal

It was to late to turn back now

So i pressed on

“Left of the stairs

Down the hall

Squeaky board avoid

Second door on the left

Back wall cabinet

First drawer,”

There the voice goes again telling me directions

Didn’t go to well the first time but I listened yet again

I rushed in

Careful to not make a sound

Left of the stairs

Down the hall

Squeaky board avoid

Second door on the left

Back wall cabinet

First drawer

I was there

I reached in to the drawer

When I did I heard it

I had been caught

I grabbed it and rushed out

Not to worry about the nose this time for I had already failed

So I ran

And didnt stop

I had it with me

But could I get out of the house……

The Baseball Field

It was dusk on the winter night

Where the air was sharp

But the it felt just right

The wind sounding like a harp

As I walked through that field

The soft dirt crunchy with each step

This is my place, where everything is healed

Messing up the dirt I felt I had overstepped

Leaving only a footprint

In this place I used to call home

The field never fails to leave an imprint

On me, so I continue to roam

Artist Statement

The first piece, “Peace in Nature,” I focused on the POV which we just learned about. Point of view plays a huge role in how a story or poem is perceived and I choose a rather unusual POV for my first poem “Peace in Nature.” I wrote the poem from the point of view of the river a man is walking next to. This is used to dimmunstate how we act and look as we escape our problems in nature. It is told from a first person limited point of view where the water is the subject and it has feelings and a mind so the whole poem is one big personification. The water can sense that the man is at peace and that he is a good man so it shows it has seen many more like him before and that it is very wise. Some challenges I faced while writing this piece was coming up with how knowledgeable the water was of the man. I had to decide if it was going to be a first person omniscient or limited as I did and I chose limited because it helped further the mystery of how the man was and who the speaker is. One other challenge I faced was seeing if the man was good or not. I had to build his character on whether or not he was running from something or at the river to better himself. I chose to go with a good character on account of it fit the mood of the rest of the poem. I have learned a lot through this piece about character development and about point of view and how a person views a speaker.

. In my second piece “Drawer,” I focused on creating a riveting and exciting poem. My experience with poems has more been along the lines of my first and third work, very basic poems talking about boring things, so with this piece I focused on creating a feeling of suspense and curiosity. I wanted to create a thoroughly suspenseful poem that would capture the attention of a reader. A challenge with this however was I had no previous experience or baseline of this poem so I had to experiment and create my own style of poetry. That was the hardest part of writing this piece not having something to compare it to or reflect on.

. “A Baseball Field” was a fun creative piece I wrote to experiment with rhyme schemes. I used a standard AB rhyme scheme to start to help get me into poetry. I have never experimented with poetry before this class so I used this piece as a stepping stone into more complex writing. The hardest part of writing this piece was initially coming up with the idea to write about. I am just about the least creative person out there but I had an idea and I stuck with it until I wrote this. The rhyming itself was not very hard so next time I would experiment with different rhyming schemes and up to a more difficult level.

