POV of “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid

The POV of “Girl” is written in second person point of view. The reader know this because of the use of the word “you.” The reader is also aware of this point of view because they should feel like they are the ones feeling these things. Like each word is directed at you the reader. In my opinion, the voice almost seems like it is you the reader repeating back things you have been told to do or be in the past. It could also be an authority figure commanding you to act or be a certain way. The words are strict and commanding. They are harsh and straight forward. The voice is assertive and unapologetic in the way that information is presented. The lack of periods in the punctuation provides an onslaught of commands and forced advice for you as the reader to make yourself a better person. It seems that the voice is stressing the importance of manners in this society. Voice and point of view create this list of social norms that must be upheld so as not to look bad in the face of others.

