project 1

Kaia Jackson
English Composition 1302 (24374)
2 min readNov 11, 2020

emulating poems:

Pandemic Ponders

The indoors becomes the norm as more and more fall,

Everyone must stay away no matter how small,

Keep your distance and you’ll be fine,

Or will you? No one will tell but time,

Mental health grows and fades as the days all tend to run the same,

With every person sick there is someone to blame,

May we hope for the sick to heal,

And for the dreams to all become real

I chose to emulate Sylvia Plath in this poem. Sylvia Plath’s poetry exemplifies her world, through her eyes, without any apologies or excuses. Her works run lines parallel with her life in itself, the ups and downs, daily inner battles, and triumphs. The themes of her poems are herself, her thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Taking her theme, I wrote this poem over the world of today being in a pandemic and having to change “normal” life as we once knew.

Cupid’s Cry

Eros shoots the arrow hitting one but not affecting another,

“Look up!” he cries as their faces are lit up,

Their interest in their robotics enough to smother,

He feels his talents begin to burn up,

When will they find their psyche he wonders,

As eros watches as their love plunders

I’ve chosen to emulate Ezra Pounds in this poem as I share an interest in his works. He often including greek/roman mythology and love in his poems which is what I chose to focus on here. In ancient Greek mythology, Eros was the god of love. He had the ability to shoot his magical bow and arrow and make people fall in love with each other (A.K.A. he is known as Cupid in the modern-day). Eros was the son of Aphrodite, the famous goddess of love. They were always together and spent their days bringing love and happiness to the Greeks. Eros could point his bow and arrow at someone and they would fall in love with the next person they saw. This power worked with both mortals (another name for humans, who could die) and gods. Psyche is the woman Eros falls madly in love with and they have a happily ever after.

