Project 2

Dutch Mark
English Composition 1302 (24374)
2 min readDec 6, 2020

I knew that getting onto the team wasn’t going to be easy, however, I had no idea what I would put up with for such a small gain in my life. I wasn’t in the best of shape, I had problems and dealt with those through ways that I probably shouldn’t have, but it didn’t matter. I felt that if I let them treat me the way they did in the end life would end up better once my goal was reached. They all treated me like I was worth less than the penny you see on the side of the road. They kicked me around and messed with what belonged to me and I just sat there and took it, didn’t give them the joy of emotion that normally follows… just a soft somber stare. One day I was in the shower, no one surrounded me, no one bothering me, just me and my thoughts in the locker room: my only time of piece in that forsaken chamber. Approaching the end of the shower I felt what I could only describe as a bolder hitting me right in the face. I didn’t understand what I did, racing through my mind what did I do to deserve this type of feeling, this type of pain. Soon I realized there was no reason, it was just an attack on who I was. I simply just tried to hold my own, as running would have only made it worse. Destroyed physically and mentally I went home alone I contemplated on what to do how to handle what just occurred today. Much time went by before I decided to go to my room and work, forget, and move on. But this time was different, I didn’t want anyone to find out, but my parents did. They saw the beat-up face of a broken man, and I was that broken man. They took one look at me and I cried, I cried and cried no idea when I would stop or if I even could stop. They sat me down, and even as I tried to resist they made me tell them, and I told them every thought, every action, every word. I knew my time was over on that team, but I was not the kid I was anymore, still trying to compose myself I went to my room and knew the nightmares were finally over.

Based on the story Varsity by Brock

The biggest challenge that I faced was trying to put myself in the shoes of “Varsity.” I have never written from the point of view of a character in a story for as long as I did in the case with this. The best way I managed these challenges was by writing out different key elements of the story I wanted to tell from the kid's perspective. By doing this I was able to elaborate more on what he was really feeling, the thoughts in his mind as these things happened to him in that locker room.

