Project 3

George Coutoumanos
English Composition 1302 (24374)
3 min readDec 18, 2020

John Coutoumanos

Presidential Blue

I see it every day…

Well every morning.

That blue it wraps my adderall pill,

The pill I take to,

Be more calm, more still.

Just because i’m different,

Doesn’t mean I need to take

A pill wrapped in presidential blue..

To hide all my creativity,

All I have and ever had to offer.

Most think of blue,

As peace, tranquility,

To me, it is what is hindering my mobility,

The mobility of myself through the path of life.

Not making my own decisions,

Like I’m being threatened with a knife.

I was told my ADHD was a disability,

Well I believe it is an ability.

To express myself like no other,

I tried to explain this to my mother.

She said I was wasting my potential,

But how can I waste my potential,

If i’m leaving behind something so essential

So special,

That it would not matter if I became successful

Because I’d have no childhood,

Nothing to tell my children about, the bad or the good

Of what I experienced during my childhood.

When I take that presidential blue

Not only does it hurt my childhood,

That presidential blue

Ruins my mood.

makes me feel like I didn't get any sleep..

Well any sleep that was good.

When I try to eat food

I feel full, and sick

Not like I should,

But the worst is in the morning, when I see the pill,

It hurts to even get the slightest view,

Of that presidential blue.

Because I know i’m in for a day, that will put me in a bad mood,

Faking my happiness

To hide my frustration that I don’t want,

Well I guess no one would.

My mom thinks it’s a miracle worker.

Well I feel like a foot that is inside a shoe.

All my everything is being trapped inside that,

No, trapped in that presidential blue.

When i’m asked,

“Are you mad John,

You don’t seem happy

Why are you so sad?”

I’d probably respond with, “I don’t have a clue…”

But I know exactly what it is,

It comes from the presidential blue.

Wrapping my emotions up too quickly for me to express them.

Presidential Blue,

It’s wrapped my life up,

Shoved it into an abandon dresser,

Kicked it into an unseen corner,

Threw it down a bottomless cliff,

Removing any hope and love from my life,

But not kindly very aggressive and painful,

Just to become… What?

More successful?



The fabrication,

to our generation,

It is were we spark our inspiration.

Fitzwater once said,

“The future of our world,

Is sitting in my classroom today.”

If there’s no school

There’s no ideas to convey

Meaning Of Life

Life still has a meaning,
It may feel demeaning
And seems to start grieving,
But your life still has a meaning.

Life may not be appealing,
But someone is needing,
Someone is loving,
That your life still has a meaning.

Keep dreaming
For a better reason
For life and its gleaming
Cause’ your life still has a meaning.

Life still has a meaning
The pain is now healing
So continue believing
Why your life still has a meaning.

