Project 3

Cecilia Miller
English Composition 1302 (24374)
3 min readDec 17, 2020

I felt my mom's suburban roll to a stop as I looked out the window to see my new school. My first day of freshman year and my parents decided to move the summer before. Of course.

I rushed out of the car in a blur (trying not to attract any attention to myself), and heard my mom’s goodbye echo in the background. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and did my best to not trip over my own two feet as I headed into my new school.

The school was old and kind of a faded grey stone, much prettier than the school I came from in Minnesota. The building looked to be about three stories tall and had large windows spread out all the way to the top where it peaked into steeples. Everyone looked the same (after all, we did have uniforms that were about as pretty as my grandmother's outdated curtains), so I tried to scan the crowd for what could be a friendly face. Without looking where I was going I nearly ran right into a tall man in a sharp black suit.

“Woah, look where you’re going, what’s your name? I’m Mr. Moore, the Principal,” the man who I now know to be my new principal said.

“Oh, um, hi I’m Macie,” I stuttered, unexpecting him to be so forgiving to someone about to run into him.

“Hi Macie, are you one of our new students? I can help you find your first block class if you need any help, we are very happy to have you here at Woodridge Prep!” he said.

“Yes I am, and that would be very helpful, my schedule says I have Ms. Grey for Biology first,” I said.

“Oh, yes, Ms. Grey, she’s been here the longest out of all of our teachers, she was my teacher when I was a freshman here, follow me,” he said.

I tried to remember the path he took as he winded through the surprisingly modern on the inside building. We finally arrived at a large classroom, with large hi-tech looking lab tables at the back, single desks in the front, and a sweet older teacher smiling ear to ear at the doorway.

“Hi Ms. Grey, this is one of your new students, Macie,” Mr. Moore said.

Ms. Grey was gleaming as she turned to me.

“Hello Miss Macie, where did you move from?” she said as she turned to me.

“Hi Ms. Grey,” I said as I reached out to shake her hand. “I’m from a small public school in Minnesota, I’m so excited to be here in Boston.”

“Well we are very happy to have you here, we are a bit early, but would you like to come in and I can show you around the classroom? All the other kids who have been here for years had these exact classrooms in other grades, so they’re familiar with it, but I would be happy to show you where everything is,” she said.

Before I could respond, Mr. Moore started talking.

“Well, it looks like you are in good hands, Miss Macie, I hope to see you soon, and have a great first day of school!” he said as he was already halfway through the door.

“Thanks for helping me find my first class,” I said, though I’m not sure if he heard.

I turned to Ms. Grey.

“Well Miss Macie, in case no one else has said it, welcome to Woodridge Prep,” she smiled at me as she welcomed me to the first day of my final four years of school.

