Project 3

Nathan Talatala
English Composition 1302 (24374)
4 min readDec 16, 2020

Creative Component


Day in and day out,

The same thing.

Go eat junk food,

or find something at home.

Watch something uninteresting,

Or get mad playing a video game.

Study for your test and fail,

Or don’t study and still fail.

At least things will change once I’m an adult,



My room has been a mess

For the past four weeks

I have a pile of unwashed clothes,

A pile of undone work, and

A pile of unsolved problems.

Should I go to the gym today?

Nah, let me take care of my homework first.

I can easily do it all

If I get started, but that won’t happen

Anytime soon.


I used to play with him all the time.

Sometimes, he would chase me,

Sometimes I would chase him.

He would take my toys, and

I would pry them from his hands.

But we don’t play anymore.

I’m slower now, and more tired.

He seems to be less playful

And more busy.

He’s leaving soon,

For a long time.

When he comes back,

I’ll be waiting.

Reflective Component

For my project, I chose to do three poems, instead of one short story. I was able to use what I have learned throughout this course by trying to use different points of view. In the first poem, I wrote it from the perspective of a high school student who is very bored all the time and felt as if there was never anything to do. I am in a very similar situation, so I thought that this would be something I could easily write about. For the second poem, I also wrote it from the perspective of another high school student, who had problems with procrastination. Like, the first poem, this was also something that relates to me, so I thought that this would be another subject I could go into detail about. The third poem is written from the perspective of a dog who watches his owner grow up and start to get ready for college. Again, this is something that I am about to go through, but I needed to switch the point of view at least once throughout the project. Learning about different points of view throughout this course helped me understand its importance in writing. One example of this is in the poem, “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden. In this writing, Hayden writes about the subject’s father from the subject’s point of view. I wanted my third poem, “Kuya”, to have a similar effect. I felt like the three poems that I wrote could properly demonstrate that I had learned how to use perspectives when writing. Another thing that I used during this project was imagism. I wanted to show how the subjects of each poem were feeling by describing their surroundings and their thought process. I wanted to make all three of the poems as descriptive as I could, so it would be clear what the poems were about. Of course, I ran into some issues while working. The main one is trying to figure out what I should write about. This was a problem for me for multiple reasons, and one of them was that I needed to choose between writing a short story or writing three poems. I was able to solve this once I realized that writing three meaningful poems might be simpler than writing about the same topic for five hundred words or more. It also might be better to write about three simple subjects, so that I would have more to talk about in my artist statement. At that point, I knew that three poems about three different topics were the way to go. Once I decided whether to do a short story or three poems, I had trouble figuring out what exactly to write about. I needed to find three topics that I could write about. I was stuck trying to find interesting things to write about. When I couldn’t find anything interesting to write, I thought that I could make my project about things that I deal with regularly. In the first poem, I wrote about how repetitive some days are, and how the subject would review what they’re options are for the day and end up not being interested in anything, no matter how fun or productive they might be. I felt like this is a good topic because I can relate to it a lot. The second poem was about procrastination and how the subject thinks throughout their day and how a lazy person’s thoughts about getting things done. This was also something I could easily write about, because I tend to procrastinate a lot, and I know how my mind acts when I do. I can’t say too much about the third poem, because I have no idea what goes through my dog’s head. The third poem was just a guess. Even though I had trouble coming up with subjects for the poems, I was still able to finish and overcome the different problems I came across while writing.

