Why I Write

English Composition 1302 (24374)
1 min readSep 2, 2020

I’m really not big on writing if i’m going to be honest. It has never been something that I like to do. The only times I ever really write is about a book, movie, or short stories we read in English class. We never really got into personal writings which I feel is more inclined towards my preferences about writing. Writing has always been a struggle for me I have awful when I say awful I mean horrendous spelling half the words I type I have to look up how to spell. My pieces I would write would all come together somehow the night before it was due and I would get maybe an A or B.

Ever since I was young my parents have been divorced so I had a ton of emotions that I had no clue where to put. One day i just started to write in a notebook everyday and it was my favorite part of the day. I could just empty those emotions out with a pen and paper. I would sit for two plus hours just writing till I couldn’t anymore.

Writing about personal experiences and emotions is really why I write it helps me cope with things I couldn’t cope with by just talking to people. So I really hope we get to do more writing about ourselves. Also thank you for not taking grades until the end I would probably flunk this class in the beginning but hopefully when we get grades I get a lot better at writing.

