Why I Write

Erin Mann
English Composition 1302 (24374)
2 min readSep 4, 2020

I generally enjoy writing, but only if I choose to do it. I have found that having the freedom to write what I want usually allows me to be more prolific, and even produce higher-quality work. And on the contrary, I have not had much success when given a strict prompt from my school teachers. I don’t like having limits, rules, and guidelines to follow when I write.

My favorite place to write is in the ornately decorated journal from Anthropologie that I have hidden in the back of my closet. I’m not the kind of person to write when I’m happy… I tend to only write in my journal when someone has made me angry. I like to write about things I can’t say out oud, hence why I keep it hidden in my closet. It allows me to express my emotions without having to yell at my friends.

The second reason I keep it hidden is because I hate when others read what I’ve written. Whether it’s for school or my own personal accord, I am always embaressed to show off my work. I don’t even like to read back over my own words because I’m scared I won’t like it, but I’m much more fearful of others not liking it. I’ve never considered myself to be a strong writer, especially in my GT classes. I generally received poor grades on my writing pieces that had stricter prompts. I realized that my work probably wasn’t as good as my classmates, so I was always scared to share. Therefore, I prefer to keep my literary pieces private rather than public.

Another reason I like to write is because, in some ways, it allows me to fulfill all my OCD fantasies. Although I have never been diagnosed with the disorder, I have noticed that I possess multiple qualities of someone who would. I have to make sure that what’s on the inside of the journal is just as beautiful as its outside appearance. Writing in straight lines and in perfect handwriting on the delicate gold-lined pages makes me feel complete, like I accomplished some greeat task. When I look back at a page I’ve written by hand (not actually reading it, of course) and see how pretty it looks, I feel like I have made something that is almost worth reading.


