The Only places where you can eat on Harborside campus

Problems that JWU Faces during pandemic getting by effect a limited of places where the student can go to eat.

Alberli Hernandez
English Op-Eds


@SnowdenScaries is a Instagram created by a JWU student showing the reality of the food at the university.


Should JWU restaurants be more beneficial for the students or more beneficial for the financial of the institution? Students on the Harborside campus only have two choices of places to eat. These two places are expensive for the students, the food is unhealthy, and most of the students don’t like this food. Some students are physically and mentally affected for not eating in a long period of time. The students of JWU Harborside campus are tired of eating the same food from the Harborside café and Starbucks every day. Also, some students don’t like this type of food, and the students’ lives are starting to have big impacts in the JWU community having health problems , and beginning to have eating disorders.

Some Background

JWU students complain about not getting good food options on campus, and despite this they complain about the high prices of the food they provide us. Most of the students think that the JWU food is expensive which affects some students since not all have the same economy. It also shows us how some of the places do not have a healthy food for students such as help their diets. According to my survey of 12 JWU students, the 58% of JWU students say that Starbucks and the Harborside cafe food are expensive, and the amount of food are smaller for the prices that they buying.

Students are being affected by the limited options for where to eat on the Harborside campus. The cause is that students spend long periods of time without eating and this affects their physical stability. Students do not feel satisfied with eating in places and few options they have on campus. The effect is that some of the students tend to feel bad during the classes because they did not eat anything before attending them. According to my survey, 50% of JWU students tend to feel dizzy and even pass out during classes due to spending a long period of time without eating.

What I Have to Say

Starbucks and the Harborside cafe should care more about student complaints and do their best to improve their food and menu prices. JWU should be more concerned about how to help students in an economical way which for many is a big problem that even affects their physical and mental health. JWU should give more attention to the students and make them worry about the food that each one of them receives. According to my survey, 75% of JWU students suffer from mood swings and physical abilities from not eating for a long period of time. This can be caused by not all students having the same financial aid or just because they are tired of eating the same old thing.

JWU should start open their other available restaurants and places where students can eat, which closed due to the pandemic. This will somehow help students to have more options where to eat and more variety of food in their diet. The United States approved the opening of restaurants with its protocol and distancing to maintain the safety and safe health of people. This means that JWU should open the Harbor-view and the Liberty Market, to offer students more variety of food and better options. The WPRI say “Now, indoor dining and houses of worship can expand up to 75% capacity; catered events can have up to 100 people indoors and 200 people outdoors”


Some JWU students are very versatile and have no problem eating Starbucks or the Harborside cafe every day. Students do not feel the same fatigue towards the same food every day or it is even more beneficial to eat from these places since they have a meal plan. Some of the JWU students have their own car which helps them get around and maybe eat in different places. Therefore, some of the JWU students have no problem choosing what to eat or where to go. Maybe these students are not looking for a change in their diet right now, and maybe they are not interested in making any changes at JWU to improve the food.

In Conclusion

Photo by Karina Tess on Unsplash

In conclusion JWU students are not satisfied with the few options they have on the Harborside campus to eat. They are tired of eating the same thing every day, that meals are expensive, and they cannot always afford that. The students are tired of these places do not provide different meals, more portions on the plate and serve the same food everyday. This is the reason why students feel dizzy or even faint in class, for stop eating on long periods of time without, either because they do not like the options they have on campus to eat or because these options are expensive for them. But lastly, do you think that people should be worry about the nutrition of the students?

