Avoid These 3 Conversation Killers. Part 2: Your Voice

Protect your rapport! Again.

Alex Y.
English Speaker Pro


A cartoon illustration showing a stick figure holding a smoking gun saying “speak up.” Another stick figure lies on the ground in a pool of blood moaning “uhhh.”
Image by author in Canva Pro

Conversations can be hard.
Fear of making mistakes, fear of embarrassment, fear of rejection.

We want to make friends, be liked, be loved.
And for these, you need rapport.
You need to connect.

But conversation killers are always lurking, ready to strike.

In Part 1, we tackled body language.

Now, let’s expose another saboteur waiting to betray you.

Your voice.

The different ways we talk that can suck the life out of conversations faster than a brand-new Dyson.

You need to recognize, avoid, and stop them.
Only then will your conversations survive, thrive, and come alive.

Long live rapport.

Let’s get to it.

Your Tone of Voice



Alex Y.
English Speaker Pro

Language | Knowledge | Culture | 25+ years helping people in Japan communicate. One conversation at a time.