Looking for functional

A frustrated poem written walking the sidewalks of Chicago. This time there’s no translation, instead you’ll find a German poem of its own here.

Don’t mind your lisp, I
Will take a hit, I
Just need you raised by
A family man, not
A family guy

Have no need for a lie
Awake through your nights
If you don't just survive
Love I need you more
Than only alive

Me an eye for a stake
All your hopes on this take
My umbrellas, for rain
Proves you're made out of flesh
That you own your mistakes

At me all you got, good
See I'm bulletproof
And I don't want no blood
On your dress or legs, when
I point at you

You have had enough life
To unlearn how to gripe
About vanities, pry
Every jewel from your crown
Then wear it with pride

Have passed you by
Distorted and defiled
Neither your fault nor mine
I will send out my servants
They shall find me a wive

June 2018. Thank you for reading!

