Things that haven’t become obsolete over the course of my grandmother’s 90-year-long life

This might count as the second part of my last list, which you can read here.

Besides, this is the English original. If you’d rather read this in German, click here.

Leather Jackets


Knowing how to change a tire on your bike

Or a car

Driving cars that basically run on explosions (soon!)

The radio

Complaining about the younger generation (»When I was young, our game boys were only black and white!«)

Complaining about the weather

Complaining about the Russians

Complaining about anything, including not being able to complain about anything

The F-Word

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein


Boys liking to play at war

Old men liking to play at war

Young men dying in war

Mothers dying to protect their children

Children dying in their mother’s arms

Not talking about the war too much


Having more success by being polite, be it in love, business or life

Charlie Chaplin

The chance to learn something about a person by looking at the contents of their bookshelf


Especially Science Fiction books

Like H.G. Wells

And Jules Verne

But also Jane Austen

And Keats, and Chesterton, and Shakespeare, and Goethe

Complaining that the younger generation doesn’t read books anymore

Quantum mechanics

Christians refusing to ›believe‹ in evolution

Christians trying to prove God’s existence

Atheists trying to prove God’s non-existence

Chesterton, again

Both Christians and Atheists killing lots of people

Muslims too

Also Hinduists

But Mormons not killing anyone

Amish neither

The board game Monopoly

The stock market (or real life Monopoly)

Homeless people (or real life Monopoloy losers)

Poor people (Jesus was right)

Rich people getting richer on the backs of poor people

Rich people complaining about poor people

Rich people complaining about poor people while getting richer on their backs

People mistrusting the rich

People mistrusting the government

The government misusing the trust of their people

The telephone

The telephone game


Hand-written letters

White Americans not knowing how to treat black Americans (or any non-white Americans)

Black Americans being discriminated against by white Americans

Women being discriminated against by white men

Eastern Europeans being discriminated against by western Europeans

Mentally sick people being discriminated against by everyone

The Irish being made fun of by the English

The English being made fun of by the Irish

The Scots not wanting a part of any of it

Hot air balloons

People claiming that if we could just get rid of X everything would be better

X changing quite rapidly

The Pythagorean Theorem

Thank you for reading. Written second half of March 2018.

I’m an independent writer, translator and editor. If you think I can help you with something, shoot me an email at

