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Behind the Scenes of Engramo, Pt. 1

Vojtech Janda
Engramo English Blog
2 min readMay 6, 2021


Engramo English is a mobile learning app. It’s the smart solution for the English learner of the 21st century. You download it, open it, and it does its job — it teaches you English. But how does it actually work? What is hidden behind that nice & clean Dashboard?

Knowledge Bits

In the heart of the app, complemented by the algorithm tracking your progress, is the Engramo Grammar Book. The ‘GB’, as we tend to refer to it, isn’t just a regular textbook split into chapters though. It is further divided into Knowledge Bits — small units typically consisting of a single grammatical rule that couldn’t be meaningfully split further. These Knowledge Bits are the true cornerstones of Engramo English as a language course because they allow us to pair each exercise sentence with an individual grammar rule and thus with a very specific explanation to tell you why a particular answer is correct in that particular context. This, in turn, allows us to shuffle and re-shuffle the bits and parts of the course around much more, which leads to an even greater degree of personalisation for users.

You may have read the number elsewhere, though if not, you might be interested to learn that the Grammar Book comprises close to a whopping 2000 such Knowledge Bits. We also keep track of the implicit relationships between the Bits. This makes it possible for the algorithm to know when you practised each part of the grammar even if you only did exercises on a Bit related to a particular section of the GB.



Vojtech Janda
Engramo English Blog

Linguist specializing in usage-based, corpus linguistics & sociolinguistics, English-Czech translator, hobby programmer