Blockchain Virgin

Jo Kershaw
Enhanced Society
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2018

Hi! I’m Jo, and until 6 months ago I was a total blockchain virgin.

That’s me in my happy place with Mt Everest

6 months in this space feels like 2 years and I’m sure many of you can relate to that. I joined an awesome group of individuals back in February and since then we have become a powerhouse of potential.

Enhanced Society is a startup based on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. Needless to say we have the most amazing playground to surf, skate, hike, train when the Gold Coast winter days forecast is 25 degrees and sunny! We make a point on a daily basis to take a break from work and spend time outside enjoying the things we love. The culture is great and something we all strive to maintain.

Now getting back to the virgin status;

I had heard of Bitcoin. But I was sceptical. It was my husband who first mentioned it to me when he had his motorbike serviced and was asked if he wanted to pay in Bitcoin. “How random” I thought. This was in November 2017, so of course the topic was pretty hot at that time as the world took notice. Less than desirable schemes encouraged investment, and those that had invested several years ago were able to turn their rapidly increasing Bitcoin into fiat.

Fast forward a few months and I’m sitting in the boardroom of a funky startup just 7 minutes drive from my house sharing my 15+ years experience in digital strategy. Within a week I was starting my first day as Community Manager at a blockchain company. What a head spin.

The first thing I did was to quickly distinguish between Bitcoin and Blockchain. Two VERY different things. It took me a lot longer to understand Bitcoin than it did to understand the technology that provided decentalised transparency.

My biggest learning to date is that this space is still so new, despite Bitcoin being around for close to 10 years, the technology and learnings are still in their infant state. (I exclude the coding and developer industry in that comment!)

What has been evident to me to date is that it’s important not to board the FOMO train and be caught up with companies dangling large crypto-carrots to drive engagement. There is so much activity, with companies pivoting daily to find their place and provide a product or service that meets the rapidly changing demands that comes with technical disruption and innovation.

I’m proud to be working on projects and with a team that aims to educate and facilitate the adoption of blockchain technology. I agree with the benefits of security, decentralisation and transparency that are the backbone of blockchain development. So I’m looking forward to seeing how the space unfolds for us and the wider community over the next 6 months.

Until then.




Jo Kershaw
Enhanced Society

Entrepreneur of Adventure Sports & Technical Innovation. I don't do comfortable.