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Enhanced Society
Enhanced Society
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2018

This week we have lots going on in terms of product development and consulting. We’ve created the next version of our consulting services guide to blockchain technology that aims to educate and empower clients as they move into this space.

We are reminded daily that we have an amazing team with a huge variety of experiences that we need ensure we continue to benefit from as we evolve as a company and appreciate the ongoing support out our extended community.

Here’s what we do: Enhanced Society creates Smart Equity to enable startups and SME’s to utilise their most valuable asset, their equity.

Where’s the product at?

Our user testing sessions last week provided us with a bunch of great feedback. The key take aways were around the legitimacy of the process (it seemed too easy) and adding more guidance to the entire process.

In response to the feedback we’ve restructured the app and menu items to create more clarity. We’ve also separated our activity feed from the general company information and added a guidance overlay for first time users.

We’ve added subliminal signs of legitimacy such as padlock icons, legal logos and more serious confirmations before triggering new share issues.

Finally we’ve worked on simplifying the issuance of new shares. We’ve made assumptions around key use cases and removed fields that cater for edge cases such as receiving other types of payment than money, locking the value per share and defaulting to ordinary shares.

#opensource is how we roll so grab your fork and enjoy our Enhanced Society GitHub feast!

Links we like:

We are constantly learning and validating our knowledge in this innovative, dynamic space. Here are some links to interesting things we’ve come across this week.

Where you’ll find us

That glimpse of warm weather we experienced last week has stepped aside and made way for a little more cold and a fair bit of wet. Not the ideal camping weather for a few of the ES team members as they try to enjoy camping in Evans Head, Northern NSW.

Fun outside the office

Last week Jason flew the ES flag at a range of events that made up Singapore’s Blockchain Week. With so many key innovators coming together from across South East Asia, it was a very valuable and inspiring week that helps validate the path we are taking to enable entrepreneurs an easy and simple way to create tremendous opportunities for shareholder value and innovation.

The week was spent checking in with members of community and making new connections that we look forward to catching up with over the coming weeks.

Keen to connect?

Sharing ideas around innovation is what drives us on a daily basis. We love connecting with projects locally and internationally so if you want to drop by to see what we are up to, share what you are working on, or simply say hi please get in touch. Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, www and all that jazz!

