Drop In!

Enhanced Society
Enhanced Society
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2018

If anyone has any ideas on how we can slow down the speed that these weeks are flying by…we would like to hear from you!?

It’s been another busy week with great progress made on our internal project and the projects we are assisting our community with.

The best news is that it is finally starting to warm up on the Gold Coast and the team is looking forward to summer when it will be far to hot to exercise in the middle of the day :) Something we have enjoyed over the past six months.

Where’s the product at?

The User Interviews we held last week were invaluable.

It was great to get the product into peoples hands were we had assumptions both proven and disproved. The amount of feedback we were able to gather has only inspired the team to push on.

We can’t thank Davi Campos enough for his time and assistance in planning and executing the user interviews. Davi was instrumental in the process and we hope to have him back again in the near future.

Now it’s time to sift through the feedback and make adjustments to our product plan so the next iteration we release is miles ahead of today. We can’t wait.

#opensource is how we roll so grab your fork and enjoy our Enhanced Society GitHub feast!

Links we like:

We are constantly learning and validating our knowledge in this innovative, dynamic space. Here are some links to interesting things we’ve come across this week.

Where you’ll find us

With school holidays looming the team have decided to go camping together in Northern NSW. No doubt we’ll post some images next week!

Fun outside the office

Our fearless leaders Kim & Jason have adopted a creative healthy lifestyle approach to running the company where it is important to balance work and play and ensure we live our most authentic life. It’s been these very values that have attracted an amazing group of individuals to the company creating a culture that many would be envy off.

The way we see it in 2018 is that trust, empowerment and flexibility enables our team to commit the time and energy to creating amazing tools or providing exceptional customer service to our community at a time where innovation and uncertainty go hand in hand.

So most days the team takes a break to do something that makes them tick, recharge and reset.

This is Erik. He’s a Blockchain Engineer, among other things, and he loves to skate.

Erik Dropping In!

Keen to connect?

Sharing ideas around innovation is what drives us on a daily basis. We love connecting with projects locally and internationally so if you want to drop by to see what we are up to, share what you are working on, or simply say hi please get in touch. Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, www and all that jazz!

