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Enhanced Society
Enhanced Society
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2018

Enhanced Society creates Smart Equity to enable startups and SME’s to utilise their most valuable asset, their equity.

So what have we been up to this week?

The weeks fly by in the start up world as you multi task your multi tasking! The team have settled into their roles after a slight realignment to focus on our strength as a company. Our strength is tokenisation; integrating current day business economics and operations with smart contracts and blockchain protocols.

Where’s the product at?

This week we’re doing our first round of user experience interviews. We have a ton of things to validate and we can’t wait to get some real user feedback after spending the last couple of weeks in our own little design bubble.

We are lucky to have UX/UI superstar and former Impossible team member, Davi Campos visiting us to run the interviews.

We’ll be testing the on-boarding user flows for both companies and shareholders as well as features for issuing new shares, approving and accepting share offers.

#opensource is how we roll so grab your fork and enjoy our Enhanced Society GitHub feast!

Links we like:

We are constantly learning and validating our knowledge in this innovative, dynamic space. Here are some links to interesting things we’ve come across this week.

Where you’ll find us

Looks like we’ll be heading over to Singapore for Consensus in a few weeks. Anyone else?

Fun outside the office

Well actually it was inside the office where the fun was at this week!

Our CTO and lead developers play a huge role in hosting the Gold Coast Blockchain Meetup every 2 weeks on the southern end of the stunning Gold Coast where we are lucky to call home.

This week was a deep dive into the Gnosis Web 3 Javascript. Anyone local please feel free to come along and get involved. Up coming meetups are scheduled here.

Keen to connect?

Sharing ideas around innovation is what drives us on a daily basis. We love connecting with projects locally and internationally so if you want to drop by to see what we are up to, share what you are working on, or simply say hi please get in touch. Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, www and all that jazz!

