What Was Albert Einstein’s IQ? (And What You Can Learn From Him)

Ernest Panfiloff
Enhancing Brain
Published in
8 min readApr 12, 2021


Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and one of the smartest people in history. His extensive research work has contributed to the field of science significantly, and if you have ever studied physics, you are sure to have heard of his scientific theories.

Many people want to know just how smart he was and what his IQ was. In this article, I am going to tell you about Einstein’s IQ as well as some interesting facts about this extraordinary man.

So what was Albert Einstein’s IQ? Although Albert Einstein is believed to be one of the most intelligent people to have lived, he never took the modern IQ test that we have today. This fact makes it difficult to measure and compare his IQ. Various experts have, however, come up with an estimate of Einstein’s IQ. Many people score his IQ as 160, but some theorists give a range of 160–190, which is considered a very high IQ.

We might not be able to know exactly how high Einstein’s IQ was, but it is clear that he is one of the most brilliant minds to have lived. His work in developing the field of modern physics to what it is today is highly celebrated. There are many questions you might still have about this scientist and how he became so intelligent. Was there something about his parents, his upbringing, or his lifestyle? Was he the…

