Tushar Kanti Baidya
Published in
12 min readAug 6, 2020


Few days ago, I was studying about language and its inequality. Quite by chance, then I came across a movie, The King’s Speech I suddenly realized that my academic learning helped me understand the movie better. From this movie, I assume that any differences are bound to be reflected in linguistics ones. I believe that language and speaking ability has its own power. Language is the preferred method of communication in a culture. Language has immense power, its impact depends entirely on how we use it, and the most important power is how we say it. For a king, it is very important to inspire his kingdom’s people with motivational speeches. A king with good oratory skills can gain millions of enthusiastic supporters with his inspiring vision, rousing oratory, and charismatic presence. His outstanding communication skills gave rise to an extraordinary political movement. According to Psycho-Linguist Leanne’ “Inspiring and persuading millions is not simply a product of innate ability — Barack Obama honed techniques that made him a highly effective speaker before audiences numbering thirty to 200,000. These techniques are vital not only in the political arena, but also for business executives, managers, and leaders from all occupations” (Leanne 220). It can be assumed that a leader of a kingdom needs to be perfect in his speaking skill so that people can be inspired easily. “The King’s Speech” is historical movie, which is written by David Seidler and Colin Firth. From the very beginning of the movie, we see that he came to give his introduction speech to a stage in front of audience.

To get rid of this problem, he was looking for therapists but he did not get the treatment, he was looking for. Finally, he met Lionel, an eccentric Australian therapist with unorthodox methods. Those methods help the king to get rid of his problem and help to become a great idol for people. As stated above, every speaking opportunity is an opportunity to grow in leadership and influence. Having the opportunity to influence people’s thoughts put you in a position to create real positive change in people’s lives. By becoming more aware of the impact and power of language, we can make more conscious, insightful choices about how we express ourselves and how we interpret others. The preparation and the effort required for speech and help one to communicate to others effectively; they make you understand the content of the speech. The speech theory in the following manner; According to speech theorist Mary, “the meaning of a speech is determined by speakers and listeners, and is woven into speech itself. Artful use of the policy can explain, predict and control talk about talk” (Mary 57). A clever and deceitful way of talking can grab the attention of listener and this theory imposed in a king’s case. The connection between language and power is well established, however, we normally talk about written words in the academia as we focus on literary texts. The movie helped me to realize the connection between oral speech and power. The king’s position made this issue even more remarkable. His stammering is an illness that goes on to show the deficiencies in power-language structure. In Chapter 2 of my thesis, I will review the existing literature on my topic. Here I will discuss the understanding of communication and social interaction is to a great degree founded on physical convenience.

I am also going to understand the differences between men and women’s way of speaking and attitude. In chapter 3, I will discuss the flaw of speech and how the public speaking becomes a flaw of king. Here I will explain the king’s necessity to become perfect in public sphere. Then in chapter 4, I will discuss the unorthodox techniques of Lionel that he adopted to get rid of king’s stammer problem. In Chapter 5, I will discuss the power of language. Here I will discuss king’s speech and his psychological preparations and confident. This is a secondary research based on literary sources. The brevity of time does not allow us to go beyond one example. I have taken “The King’s Speech” as a case study to explain the link between verbal language and power.


Language and speaking inequality is the idea that some expressions of language are valued more than others. It is saying that first impression is the last impression. In the case of a king, it is very appropriate because when a king has to give his first introductory speech, he has to be good and flawless in it so that he can have good impression on his country people. In the movie, “The King’s Speech” we saw that king has stammer problem which make him less important in society. In this chapter, I will discuss what others are claiming on language of inequality and speaking theory and focus on communication and social interaction is to a great level founded on physical convenience. According to public speaker Ryan, “Public speaking is so important that it could be the deciding factor in many things such as your career development, your business growth and even in the relationships you have with your friends and family (Ryan 2). Famous Anthropologists Judith Irvine claims that, “Linguistic variation concerning social categories to variation concerning contexts of talk as a single sociolinguistic process reflecting the perception of social norms in a speech community” (Irvine 558). He also declares that, “linguistics resources of a community in terms of distinct “lectures” to which speaker do not all have equal access , rather than interims of a uniform grammar studded with quantitative indices” (559). According to speech theorist, Thomas. E, “the meaning of a speech is determined by speakers and listeners, and is woven into speech itself. Artful use of the policy can explain, predict and control talk about talk.” (Mary 57). According to a Linguists, John.C. Paolillo, “Style variation could be approached in a systematic way, however then syntactic analyses could provide broader and more principle coverage of the relevant data.” (John 217). According to Abrams and Geoffrey Galt Harpham, “What the author of a fictional work — or else what the author’s invented narrator narrates is held to constitute a ‘pretended’ set of assertions, which are intended by the author, and understood by the competent reader, to be free from a speaker’s ordinary commitment to the truth of what he or she asserts.” Abraham, Geoffrey” (12). According to sociolinguists, Nikolas Coupland, “Style therefore refers to the wide range of strategic actions and performances that speakers engage in, to construct themselves and their social lives.” (Nikolas 1).


We know a king has to be perfect in his speech and his entire personality. People always imagine their king as their idol. It is an extremely important perspective on “kingship” and “Attitude” not only in the workplace but at home and out in everyday life. Person who becomes leader is always on stage and cannot forget that he is the one called on to step up and to set the example for those around him. A king has to be aware of his behaviors and should control on his emotions. The attitude, the behavior, or the speaking style of a king has a huge impact on culture and his own country. The success, the important decisions of a country depend on its king so a king has to be perfect in his abilities. In this movie, though the king George VI is a good person, he has speaking problem. He cannot deliver a speech to his people. He sometimes gets angry which does not go with a king’s personality. The lack of power of speaking ability makes him abandon. At the very beginning of the movie, we notice that when come up on stage to deliver a speech, he cannot utter a single word because of his stammer problem and nervousness. The all expectations of the people of his country go in vain. From the interview of a teacher, “yes, I think that the king’s speech did become obstacles in the way the masses perceived him. I feel that a king must be charming and articulate, and in this case, his speech made it has likely to happen” (Interview Mohibul). Great kings inspire other people, their friends, other people and even their children because they are inspired themselves. They are excited about the possibility of creating an exciting future for themselves. They get up every morning and they see every effort they make as part of a great plan to accomplish something wonderful with their lives and push forward with a positive attitude but the king cannot do those things because of his speech problem. He cannot deliver any speech to his people. However, he has many plans to work on but he cannot. Brian Tracy, a motivational speaker stated that, “One of the most important leadership qualities is the acceptance of personal responsibility. Leaders never complain, never explain. Instead of making excuses, they make progress. Whenever they have a setback or difficulty, they repeat to themselves, “I am responsible! I am responsible! I am responsible!” (Tracy 15) In “The King’s Speech” movie, King George VI wants to take responsibilities but he cannot. His stammer problems become his obstacle of his way. When he cannot do any work or express his feelings, he becomes patient less and angry which are his great flaws. However, he has some faults but as a good king, he tries to overcome from his situation and try to be a flaw less king. He finds out solutions and starts to improve his skill to become a good king.


In “The King’s Speech” movie, we see, Lionel Logue, the Australian speech therapist who cured the king of his stammer and nerves when in public. George VI has serious problem when he speak in front of public. He becomes shy and shyness does not perfect for a king. He also hates public speaking and was quite embarrass of his stutter. It is said that the possible cause of the stutter was partially from verbal abuse from King George V when George VI was a small child. Whatever the cause, George VI stammers his way through his speeches. He was looking for cure but he did not get any. He met best therapists but that did not work anyway. Her wife Elizabeth helped him to find a best therapist for him. They met Lionel who became perfect for the king. Lionel really tried hard and after sometime, they became friends. It is noticed in this movie that King has lack of self-confidence. As it is known that a person’s stutter worsens when he is more keenly aware of it and anxious about it. To help George VI calm down and manage his rate of speech, Lionel Logue practiced breathing techniques with him. He also encouraged George VI to talk about any psychological issues that were troubling him. It is said that when a person talks much about his psychological issues, he does not stammer. He just say those words from unconscious mind. Logue is also known to have instructed the king to gargle with warm water and to practice intoning vowels with a loud voice, stretching each sound to 15 seconds. Logue also had his patients practice tongue twisters, and he is said to have king’s wife sit on the king’s stomach in order to strengthen the diaphragm. This last technique is a bit unorthodox by today’s standards.

Logue was often called to Buckingham Palace, Windsor to help him prepare. He was always being with him when he went for giving speech. Years of speech therapy enabled him to successfully address the nation, but George VI still struggled with his stammer problem. He viewed speech therapy as an ongoing necessity. In fact, King George VI was only comfortable delivering a speech with Logue. When he was delivering speeches, Lionel always stand in front of him at encouraged him. Author Jacky claims in his book that, “Logue indicated in his notes that “Bertie” (George VI) was imbued with confidence after their first meeting” (Jacky 2). George VI really improved his speech skills by the help of Lionel and his working. King George VI engages the help of an unorthodox speech therapist Lionel Logue through a set of unexpected techniques, and because of an unlikely friendship, King George VI is able to find his voice and boldly continue to lead his country into war.


As always, when “power” is spoken of, the first association is that of the power of man over man, of power as control of the free will by “commands” and “obedience”. Especially in the case of the “power of language”, the problem is multi-layered. The “power of language” not only means language in the service of power; language can also challenges power. Above all, as language, it possesses itself power of a very special kind but when language is used in speech its power increases double. According to social scientists Dr. Thomas Schwietring, “language and speaking must be distinguished in the exercise of power. The possibilities of language from the way in which language is actually used in spoken words.” (Thomas 3). Whoever speaks depends on language. In addition, even the most skilful speaker cannot monopolies the power of language. For ultimately, the “power of language” lies not with the speaker, but with language itself. The speaking ability and power is related with each other. When someone cannot utter a word, he cannot have the power of language and when he has not power of language, he has not the power of speaking. Same case happened in “The King’s Speech” movie. All know it that, a country’s situation or decision only depends on king or its leader. Only he has the power to stop any war and too stop any war he has to speak. In this movie, George VI cannot deliver any speech because of his stammer problem that problem becomes the obstacle of his way. He understands that he needs to improve his ability in order to become a good king so that he takes help to Lionel. The words of a skilled speaker or writer create light in the minds of others. We instantly can see what they suppose to mean, we are enlightened. Their words grab our attention by stimulating our imaginations and touching our hearts. In movie, When King George VI gave his speech, it touched everyone’s heart they all clapped, and they all become happy. King’s last speech, we can notice that, he instead of starting with words began with images. He explored what he was trying to say by picturing it in his mind’s eye. He spoke slowly, took his time and gave his speech. That speech made his good king in front of every people. King George VI’s way of using language, its style reflects his rank in society. In this movie, the style of language is both formal and casual. Here formal means, when he speaks with his members of council, he speaks very politely. He does not use any abusive words. He greets other people but when he is with Lionel, he uses some abusive words like “Bullshit” and others.


Style and Language of inequality in the movie, “The King’s Speech” helps to prove my argument that speaking ability and language is power. Many people think that a king does not need to have that ability because he is a king. Some people think that a king has “Divine Right of King” which means he can do any thing whatever he wants. The divine right of kings is a political and religious principle of royal and political law. Some people claims that a king is appointed by god so they are as perfect as god. They do no need to work on their faults because people think a king is perfect though they have imperfections in their ability. However, I have proved my stand and explained that it is very important to have good skills in language and speaking though he is a king or leader and it is very important in a king’s case because he has to take decisions and give speech for the sake of people. Therefore, he must have to good in language and speaking ability. The words we speak have power, especially of kings or leaders. Their speeches are more powerful than many people realize. The words they say can put a smile on someone’s face or bring tears to another one’s eyes. We can crush someone’s dream or can make his or her life happier by a word. Dr. Mathew, a famous Linguist claims that, “But I say unto you, that EVERY idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment. For by your WORDS you shall be justified and by your WORDS you shall be condemned” (Mathew 16). Here it is clearly understood that, our word is ours. No one can interrupt in it accept god and only we are responsible for it. However, a leader has to be perfect in his speaking and language because others life and death situation depend on their speech. This skill can make a leader to become an idol of people. In conclusion, I should say that the relationship between language and social inequality is the idea that some expressions of language are valued more than others, in a way that is connected with some people being more respected than others and some ideas expressed by people through language being more valued than others.



Tushar Kanti Baidya
Editor for

Educator and Human Rights Activist from Dhaka, Bangladesh