How 100 Smartcards Killed Server

Dan Cvrcek
Cyber Shards
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2019


This is a story that made me banging my head against the wall for a couple of months (ok, not literally but I wasn’t too far from that). Pain, desperation, awe, and ultimately a success. We have been in production deployment for some time and all seems to be working … for now.

But let me briefly re-live the “desperation stage”.

We were writing a proxy for smartcards with TCP/IP interface. They come in multiples of 100 so to really make use of their CPUs, one needs a “massively” parallel client software as smartcards are behind FPGA. (the hardware does up to 1.2Mbps on each smartcard ->max at about 140Mbps in raw data with just one lot of smartcards).

Anyway — we needed a Python (we thought: simple = fast development = Python) proxy that translates APDUs into “SIGN”, “GET CERTS”, … nice architecture, multi-processsing, scalable. Tests against a handful of smartcards went swimmingly. But when the customer plugged it to just one board with 100 smartcards the whole proxy started falling over.

High-level integration of smartcards for digital signing

We tried loads of things so let me just mention the last problem — the proxy starts and launches 100 processes (multiprocessing) — one for each smartcard. They do initialisation, which takes a few seconds (80–120 commands sent to each smartcard). We have a join() at the end so we can communicate upstream that the hardware is…



Dan Cvrcek
Cyber Shards

Security wizard, banking consultant, turning technology into magic and back. Past: Uni. of Cambridge, Deloitte, banks.