Enjin at Unite Berlin 2018

Something interesting happened at the Unity Unite conference in Germany.

Ilija Rolović
4 min readJun 29, 2018


Last week, the tech capital of Europe swarmed with countless game industry professionals, concentrated in and around STATION Berlin — an old train station turned into an amazing conference center.

Seven halls and 23,000 square meters of space hosted companies building products with and for the most used game development engine in the world.

As a Unity Technologies Partner, Enjin got one of (if not the) best locations for our booth — it was literally the first thing you’d see when you enter the Expo Hall.

Everyone from curious students and talented artists to veteran game developers and studio executives flocked to the Enjin booth at Unite Berlin to learn about this new, peculiar and exciting technology that can help them to solve hard problems, explore new game mechanics possibilities, and increase their revenue.

Game developers were extremely interested in our platform’s ability to regulate gray market trading and re-capture virtual item trading revenue via smart contract-powered trading fees; true item ownership and character and item progression through multiple games was also a common topic.

If you listened really carefully, you could could hear whispers about this new, groundbreaking token standard as well — ERC-1155.

We’ve met and talked with game developers from all over Europe, from Greece to Ireland, from Spain to Finland — as well as with countless game industry professionals from Berlin itself and other major German cities.

Germany has the largest video games market in Europe, outpacing the United Kingdom. The German games industry is typically focused on the big cities, with Hamburg and Berlin becoming the hot spots in the last few years.

Germany’s capital in particular has a vibrant and prosperous indie game developer scene, due to its new reputation as the “Silicon Valley” of Europe — a new tech startup is founded every 20 minutes in Berlin.

While I expected that our booth will be under siege by game developers looking to integrate our technology — something…

Something else happened.

Something interesting.

Enjin: Enterprise Solutions Edition

The reason Unity engine is used by half of all developers in the world is it’s simplicity — it enables almost everyone to easily create virtual worlds, everything from simple mobile games to amazing multiplayer ones.

But Unity engine is not just for games.

Unity is utilized for everything from automobile and transportation real-time rendering to VR / AR powered training and learning.

It turns out, our upcoming Unity SDK created a buzz that reached Unity developers focused on non-gaming applications — developers want to harness the power of ENJ for everything from facilitating security for autonomous vehicles to licensing 3D industrial models used in training simulations of international corporations.

The Enjin Unity SDK will work straight out-of-the box and enable quick & easy blockchain integration into Unity-powered applications— so it doesn’t come as a surprise there’s a demand for non-gaming purposes as well.

The SDK is coming soon — like, soon soon; the really cool thing about it is that it doesn’t require any coding at all — anyone playing around in Unity can integrate blockchain without a single line written in Solidity.

We’ll be making a lot of amazing announcements, tech demo videos, and organizing epic contests in the following weeks & months, so stay tuned.

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Ilija Rolović

Science enthusiast. Coffee addict. Die-hard trekkie. CEO at holoframe.io