Supervised, Unsupervised, And Semi-Supervised Learning

Ravish Kumar
Published in
7 min readMay 27, 2021

In our previous article (here) Based on the nature of input that we provide to a machine learning algorithm, machine learning can be classified into 4 major categories.

  1. Supervised Learning
  2. Unsupervised Learning
  3. Semi-Supervised Learning
  4. Reinforcement Learning

Key questions that are being answered in this blog :

  1. What are Supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and Reinforcement Learning, and how are they related to each other?
  2. How classification, regression, or clustering algorithms are linked with supervised and unsupervised learning?
  3. Why these terms named like supervised and unsupervised?
  4. What are the famous algorithms that use supervised or unsupervised learning?
  5. Why most of the real-life scenario is more likely to be related to semi-supervised learning?

Let’s start without any further delay.

Supervised Learning

Supervised Learning is a category in which we feed labeled data as input to the machine learning model.

The input and output value is already known, and the machine learning algorithm learns the mapping function. Mathematically, for Y as the Output and X as the input, machine learning algorithms try to find the best mapping function f such that Y = f(X).

If you observe closely, learning happens like some supervisor is supervising the process of the learning. We already know the answers; hence algorithms try to map the function so that the predicted answers must be close to the actual answers. Let’s say the machine has learned a mapping function f which is predicting the values Y’ for every X. Once the difference between predicted (Y’)and actual (Y) goes below a certain threshold, learning stops.

Supervised learning can be further categorized as

  1. Classification:- Taking the example of the below image, images of shapes are the input to the machine learning model, and labeling of those images as shape-names ( This process is called annotation ) is the output data. Based on these input and output data, the model learns to predict the category of unseen image data, whether it is a rectangle, circle, triangle, or hexagon.

2. Regression:- Taking the example of the below image, there is the experience (in years) on the X-axis. For every experience, there is one salary (in per month Rupees) on the Y-axis. Green dots are the coordinates (X, Y) in the form of Input and Output data. The regression problem tries to find the continuous mapping function from input to output variables.

In the below image, if the order of mapping function is fixed to 1, which is a linear function, the model will learn the black line shown in the image.

Credit: Websystemer

Some famous use cases of Supervised Learning are :

  • Object detection and Classification
  • Recommendation
  • Time Series prediction.

Some Frequently used algorithms in Supervised Learning :

  • Linear & Logistic Regression
  • SVM (Support Vector Machines)
  • Random Forest

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning is a category of machine learning in which we only have the input data fed to the model but no corresponding output data.

Here, we know the value of input data but output and function both are unknown. In such scenarios, machine learning algorithms find the function that finds similarity among different input data instances and groups them based on the similarity index, which is the output of unsupervised learning.

In such learning, there is no supervision as there is no existence of output data. Hence they are called Unsupervised learning. Algorithms try to find the similarity between different instances of input data by themselves.

Unsupervised Learning can further be categorized as :

  1. Clustering (Unsupervised classification):- Taking the example of the below image, we have input data consisting of images of different shapes. Machine learning algorithms try to find the similarity among different images based on the color pixel values, size, and shapes and form the groups as outputs in which similar input instances lie.

Clustering Algorithms are :

  • Hierarchical clustering
  • K-means clustering
  • Dimensionality reduction algorithms like PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and SVD (Singular Vector Decomposition).

2. Association:- Taking the example of the below image, such learning is more about discovering rules that describe a large portion of the data. Customers who bought a banana also bought carrots, or Customers who bought a new house also bought new furniture.

Credit: Cartoonistgroup

Some famous use cases of Unsupervised Learning are :

  1. Market Segmentation
  2. Fraud detection
  3. Image Segmentation

Some Frequently used algorithms in Unsupervised Learning :

  1. K-means
  2. Apriori Algorithm for learning association rule.

Semi-Supervised Learning

Semi-supervised learning is a category of machine learning in which we have input data, and only some of those input data are labeled as the output.

Semi-supervised learning is partially supervised and partially unsupervised.

Let’s take one example from the below image to make it clear, suppose there is a bucket consisting of three fruits, apple, banana, and orange. Someone captured the image of all three but labeled only orange and banana images.

Nowadays, it has become a trend to capture a tremendous amount of data. Many big companies have already collected millions of GBs of data and still collecting. But labeling the collected data requires workforce and resources, and hence it's too expensive. And this is the main reason that many real-life databases fall in this category.

Some famous use cases of Semi-supervised Learning are :

In such type of learning, one can use either.

  • Supervised learning on unlabeled data and use the predicted output as input for retraining other supervised learning models and test it on other unlabeled data.

For example, suppose there is a large chunk of data in the image above, and a small amount of labeled dataset is present. We can train the model using that small amount of labeled data and then predict on the unlabelled dataset. Prediction on an unlabelled dataset will attach the label with every data sample with little accuracy, termed as a Pseudo-labeled dataset. Now a new model can be trained with the mixture of the true-labeled dataset and pseudo-labeled dataset.


  • Unsupervised learning to capture and learn the structure present in the data.

Reinforcement Learning

Here, ML algorithms act as agents in the environment where these agents choose the possible options of actions. The agent selects the best action from all the options present at that environmental state, and based on that selection, receives reward/risks. The algorithms keep an eye on maximizing the reward and reduce the risk and eventually learns.

Some famous use cases of Reinforcement Learning are :

If we look at the history of machine learning, we will find that RL is quite old and in the industry for a longer period of time. But because of the requirement of awareness of the complete environment, it is usually used with simulated environments. Some of the most common use-cases where it is being used in the industry are,

  1. The agent that can drive the vehicle inside the simulated environment.
  2. Predicting the stock price in the stock market.
  3. Agents that can play games.

Some Frequently used algorithms in Reinforcement Learning :

  1. Q-Learning
  2. Deep Q-Learning (DQN)


In this article, we described machine learning classification based on the “Nature of input data.” We came across the definition of Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-Supervised, and Reinforcement Learning and talked about some industry use-case or real-life use-case of these categories. We also listed some famous algorithms associated with each category. I hope you have enjoyed the article.

Quick Note

Critical Questions to explore

  1. Why we name different machine learning algorithms as supervised or unsupervised learning?
  2. Why semi-supervised learning is the most common case in Machine Learning?
  3. How can we utilize semi-supervised learning in case of object detection problems?
  4. Can we think of a reason why supervised learning can never bring that future what we are expecting from Machine Learning?
  5. Why annotation process is required?

If you have any ideas/queries/doubts/feedback, please comment below or write us at Enjoy learning, Enjoy machine learning, Enjoy algorithms!

Originally published at



Ravish Kumar

Deep Learning Engineer@Deeplite || Curriculum Leader@ || IIT Kanpur || Entrepreneur || Super 30