Digitalization 2: The first step to making a difference for SMEs

Gianluca Busato
Published in
5 min readApr 15, 2023

What are the digital applications specific to SMEs?

Today, as determined within the scope of the regulations, all SMEs, starting from micro-enterprises to medium-sized enterprises, have the opportunity to transition to the digital age. Companies employing up to 250 personnel, generally serving regionally and with an annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet of up to 125 million TL are included in the scope of SMEs. In other words, micro-businesses, small-sized businesses, and medium-sized businesses can transition to the digital age as SMEs.

Each SME has different needs in terms of digital applications with different characteristics. For example, while a micro business needs more practical solutions, a medium-sized business may need more comprehensive software. Therefore, it is worth first reviewing all digital applications provided for SMEs.

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All SMEs that want to make a difference to their competitors in terms of product or service quality through a good investment in technology can make their choice among these applications. In this regard, there are many special solution applications that SMEs can choose for their own sectors and size. Among these special solutions, we can list the steps that an SME should take for digitalization as follows;

  1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software Installation. With such ERP software, you can see the inputs and outputs, actual purchases and sales, what your employees are busy with and other events in your business, and you can take action on this issue.
  2. Another important step that businesses should take while digitalizing is the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Program. Customer information is the most valuable asset of a business. Losing or not using this most valuable asset means a great loss to the business.
  3. You need to get “Payroll Management” and “Process Management” solutions.
  4. Data Analysis and Reporting” processes are absolutely necessary for an advanced SME. You can measure the performance of both customers and products and create the location and time-based reports. Even with the simplest reports like these, you can multiply your profits.
  5. “Budget Management” is very important to see both the current and future financial picture of your business in detail, to compare planned and actual revenues, and to create projects for the future.
  6. The “Warehouse Management” application is especially important for businesses that work with stock. It is necessary to be able to see the products in your stock at any time and to manage stock entries and exits easily.
  7. e-Invoice, e-Waybill Management. These transactions are now a must in our country. From the smallest business to the largest, the use of e-Invoice or e-Archive Invoice is very common and recommended.
  8. Workflow Management” is a great opportunity for those who want to take their business one step further. It is a litmus paper that is not applied by most small businesses and can be used to distinguish small businesses from large ones.
  9. All these steps are steps that an SME can follow one by one and implement in its business for digitalization.

Customer relationship management for SMEs

Today, every SME that wants to reach more people, achieve a better process and realize digital marketing by taking part in the digital world should definitely give importance to customer relations. In this context, there are systems called CRM within the scope of digital applications in order to realize customer relationship management.

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For customer relationship management, software that can be used in a licensed manner within the scope of digital applications has been produced today. In this context, if the question ‘What is CRM software?’ needs to be answered, it can be answered that it is software that enables the personnel within the enterprise to come together with customers and strengthen communication. In other words, this software includes every process from the processing of basic data of customers to customer support after sales.

Today, it is preferred to use software for customer relationship management in every business, from very small general businesses to professional and national businesses that reach larger scales. For this reason, customer relationship management should also be preferred by SMEs. Thanks to this software, a business can gain great advantages thanks to its existing customer base. When the information of the customers is entered into the system, a memory is obtained thanks to accurate data and automatic updates. In this way, even if the staff and working teams change, the customer can always be recognized and solution-based services can be provided.

If it needs to be explained more comprehensively, for the question ‘What is a CRM program?’, it can be said that they are software that regulates customer relations in every business from micro businesses to large-scale businesses and provides loyalty to the brand by bringing it to a higher quality point. Applications that can be used in a licensed manner today can be developed appropriately for businesses of all sizes.

Thanks to professionally developed customer relationship management software, personnel within the business can enter all information about customers into the system regularly as data. Every staff within the sales, marketing and technical team can use this system. Again in this context, for the answer to the question “What are CRM systems?”, it can be answered that it is a software in which every process such as appointments, offers, interviews, sales, business processes, after-sales and technical support related to customers are recorded.

After such a comprehensive entry and follow-up is made on the system, reporting can be obtained at any time. For example, a business that provides technical services for its customers can create a record on the system from the first moment the customer enters the business or from the first moment the customer is reached. Afterwards, every conversation, every service provided and every process offered is updated in this record. In this way, a quick report can be obtained when this customer is contacted again, even in very advanced processes. In fact, services can be carried out to improve customer relations and ensure satisfaction by reaching the customer again with automatic tasks when necessary.

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When you want to choose a CRM solution for your business, it would be right to choose a software that works integrated with enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and fully meets current needs. In this way, you can continue to use the software you used when you were a very small business, even when you reach a large-sized business. You can achieve proficiency only by making the necessary improvements. In other words, thanks to an application that can be used in a mobile environment with a flexible structure, you can ensure that sales, service and technical teams always provide instant answers to customer needs.

Would you like to start your digitalization process? Contact Enkronos team today.


