The impact of Web3 on brands’ approach to content, marketing and advertising

Gianluca Busato
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2023

With Web3, a period awaits us where brands will focus on interacting with communities rather than demographic targeting, and will stand out with reward and loyalty programs, Web3 advertising models and NFT marketplaces.

So far, we have told you many times about the value that Web3 will create for brands through our articles. We even shared a roadmap to create an immersive brand experience in the Metaverse in relation to Web3. Let’s see together how Web3 will affect brands’ approach to content, marketing and advertising.

How Web3 Elevates Customer Experience

How will the content transition from Web2 to Web3?

While community-oriented marketing finds a larger place in the agenda of brands day by day , it is possible to say that community building is at the heart of Web3. First of all, if we consider it from the perspective of content production, we can say that social network algorithms face community management . Content creators and brands had to act in harmony with the algorithms of social networks to increase their visibility. However, with Web3, we see that content production, which has been in the shadow of social networks until now, can easily reach a certain target audience in closed communities.

Education in community building

If you remember, instead of NFT collections that do not have a clear purpose and are published one-time in 2023, longer-term road maps are expected to come to the fore. We have told you that companies that develop strong market entry strategies that include long-term program design, product launches and community building will be the winning companies in this field. In this sense, we think that brands targeting the Web3 audience, which we can define as niche, will be more successful than brands targeting the general user audience.

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On the other hand, it is important for brands to feed their consumer base with training focused on Web3 during the content production process. While brands inform their followers with video content and blog posts, they can also curate informative content in the form of podcasts and articles on the subject.

Although Web2 platforms such as Discord are still used for community building, with social tokens, Web3 ad models, and initiatives bringing Web2 content to Web3, community-driven and Web3-based marketing dynamics are certain to begin to take up a larger space in brands’ strategy.

Social Tokens

Social tokens are a must for a community-focused Web3 experience. While the social tokens produced by institutions will enable intra-community DAO-like management types to be implemented, they may also become the favorite of NFT marketplaces where secondary sales occur. While content access provided through social tokens will enable brands to turn their content into income, the benefits offered through tokens beyond the content will support loyalty programs to a new level.

From the perspective of e-commerce and retail, we can talk about many layers such as digital twins exclusive to Avatars, access to physical events, community-specific physical or digital experiences . So far, we have seen good examples of this in the Adidas and Prada collaboration or Starbucks’ Odyssey application.

Web 3 (Semantic Web) Usage Areas

The rise of Basic Attention Tokens

In addition, we can think that the Basic Attention Token approach that we saw in Brave Browser would want to evaluate the advertising models of the brands. Ethereum-based BATs provide advertisers with the data needed to verify that their ad campaigns are working , while paying publishers for their content and users for their attention.

Thanks to this approach, advertisers can drive user traffic directly to their sites and verify that the incoming visits are made by real people, not bots . Thus, Brave Browser shows us how digital advertising can be reconstructed with a Web3-focused approach.

Initiatives that move Web2 content to Web3

One of the most talked about topics lately is the transition from Web2 to Web3. In this process, brands will benefit from integrations and infrastructures that will carry their Web2 experiences to Web3 . Especially today, when the concept of Web2.5 comes to the fore, Web3 initiatives that provide infrastructure serve as an important bridge in the transition of brands to Web3.

For example, Kalder, which recently received an investment of 3 million dollars , provides Web3 infrastructure to brands, almost like Shopify. Through this infrastructure, brands can launch their own membership programs with token rewards and experiences. While special product access can be defined for members through experiences, brands are provided with opportunities such as opening up to the global market with the NFT programs they have designed.

Developer platforms are as important as initiatives that provide infrastructure to brands and users. Notifi, the Web3 messaging platform that offers communication infrastructure, and Fleek, the Web3 developer platform are examples that come to mind first. We can say that brands will start to develop their own Web3 applications by making use of ready-made infrastructures in the coming period.

Data security, ownership and copyright

If you remember, we told you that 55 percent of apps admit to sharing user data with third parties. Perhaps the most meaningful value proposition that Web3 offers to users is anonymity and the opportunity to have the user’s own data .

The anonymity and ownership opportunities provided by Web3 in the data focus, while ensuring the security of the data from the perspective of the content producer and the user, also opens the doors to earning income from the content produced. In Web3, where communities shine, content producers invested in by the community will come to the fore. This will bring about the rise of community-specific and original content. Content producers will not have to share their rights with other platforms to publish their content, as before. Tokenized content will continue to bring income to its owners even if it changes hands. In this context, it is important for brands to build new revenue models focused on Web3.will be in question.

To summarize, with Web3, we expect a period in which brands will focus on interacting with communities rather than demographic targeting and will stand out with reward programs and NFT marketplaces.


