The Wolf of Wall Street officially enters the NFT market

Gianluca Busato
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2023

The Wolf of Wall Street returns, which tells the story of scumbag stockbroker Jordan Belfort, who gets rich by defrauding investors. The movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio enters the world of NFT. Source:

2013’s The Wolf of Wall Street, in which Leonardo DiCaprio plays the corrupt stockbroker Jordan Belfort, reached cult status not only among the films that did not win an Oscar for Best Picture, but also on the internet. Adapted from a true story to the screen, hundreds of gifs about movies, countless product-posters, phone cases have had a considerable sales figure for years. However, Red Granite Pictures, which owns the rights to the movie,cannot get even a penny of this money. Seeing that the Money Hunter had a significant share in the market, the company decided to take action. According to the news of Bloomberg; NFT featuring iconic scenes from the movie by Red Granite Pictures’s are getting ready to launch. Randy Hermann, the production company’s chief financial officer , says the venture is a way to protect the intellectual property of the film. CFO Randy Hermann says that in addition to profiting from the NFT sale, they hope to generate revenue again by encouraging people to watch the movie again.

What makes NFTs valuable?

Parties and events are coming

For $100, fans will have the opportunity to own collectible NFTs linked to scenes from Martin Scorsese ‘s movie , which grossed more than $400 million at the box office . They will also be members of an online community where they will be able to purchase costumes etc from the movie and listen to songs remixed from the soundtracks. The production company’s projects include Money Hunter themed parties and live events.

New curtain on Hollywood’s fight against piracy

Even as NFT prices have fallen and the cryptocurrency market has lost nearly two-thirds of its $3 trillion peak last year, Hollywood is examining digital tokens as a way to combat piracy and increase revenue. While The Wolf of Wall Street is belated in its attempt to locate it, it is neither the first nor the last in the field. Warner Bros. Pictures has unveiled an NFT collection for The Lord of the Rings . While Paramount Pictures did the same for Star Trek, Top Gun, and Nickelodeon, DreamWorks Animation sold tokens based on characters from the Trolls movies. Walt Disney Co. President Bob Igerenvisions fans purchasing Mickey Mouse avatars and turning them into collectible digital items.

NFT: understand everything about the trend of the future and how they work

The situation is not far off on the subject of the film

Blockchain research firm Elliptic Enterprises points out that more than $100 million in NFTs was stolen last year, and OpenSea, an NFT marketplace with total bids of $13 billion, has been shaken by accusations of theft. This is not far from the plot of The Wolf of Wall Street, which is based on the real-life success and subsequent unraveling of Belfort’s stock market scam.

To be used to support charities

Red Granite says he expects the NFT plan to yield profits, but CFO Hermann says he sees the online community more as a marketing opportunity. Moreover, the proceeds will be donated to charities that support the development of young filmmakers, help women and minorities on Wall Street, and teach financial literacy.

This is the right time get more about NFTs

About The Wolf of Wall Street

Director Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street, which was nominated for 5 Oscars and made Leonardo DiCaprio return home with the Golden Globe Award, is a dirty stockbroker Jordan Belfort, who reached a fortune that made millions of dollars by defrauding investors. It tells the story of its rise and fall. Based on a true story, the film focuses on the life of Belfort, who is only 24 years old and has a rightful place among stockbrokers and chases expensive fantasies.

The film, which brought Leonardo DiCaprio an Oscar nomination, was also appreciated by Jonah Hill’s performance. The movie, which has a very rich cast, also includes star names such as Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Jean Dujardin and Kyle Chandler.

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