If Hitler had won World War II

Mitrabarun Banerjee
Enlighten Inc.
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2020

“The article is been written based on assumptions as no such real events had occurred. It article is been written just to portray, what if Adolf Hitler had won World War II.”

Wikimedia Commons

World War II, the biggest and therefore, the costliest war within the entire human history till date. It’s still within the living memory for a few people around the world, and therefore, the fallout of this conflict continues to be visible several decades after the event. The aftermath of the war gave rise to massive displacement and migration of the citizen of Europe. Within the modern times when it’s difficult to determine that who are the great guys, and who are the bad guys, the second war leaves little within the way of ambiguity. A mad man set to conquer the globe had to be prevented by a morally responsible world stage. Fortunately, Germany was stopped. But what if the dictator had won war II?
It is one in every of the largest “what-ifs ” within the world of history, and if had Germany not make the double error of first invading the land then declaring war on the USA, we would have been living within the world where the Nazis would be the victors. The citizen of the land was the once to pay their dearest for the allied victory and if it might haven’t been for their determination and resistance, the main European population may have been speaking German. Except for this to happen several variables must be factored and reverse engineer scenario which supplies Hitler and Germany an honest fighting chance of winning the war.
For Hitler to own declared victory, he would have had to achieve a lot more land than he had. The likelihood of Great Britain and therefore, the US seeding their territories is incredibly slim yet, it’s possible that some reasonable ceasefire would have occurred whereby Germany would have had a temporary control over the allied nations. Hitler was by some accounts frightened of the US becoming a part of the allied forces. Having as they did, largely sources and being as secluded as they were, capturing land across the ocean would have been unlikely. Instead, the USA would have had to comply with become passive within the conflict, leaving Germany to own its way with Europe. It might have had to create an economic sense for the USA to still do deals with the Germans lead Europe instead of individual countries. Germany would keep the countries conquered including Poland and France, and Italy would have continued to be a German Allie. Spain and Portugal would have found themselves aligned with Germany and Switzerland would have remained neutral.
For Germany to own the second war, they’d have had to give up their ambitions to require the Soviet Union, however, Stalin wasn’t one to stay quiet. So, one of the peace deal would have had to be broken between the Soviets and Germany if Hitler would have won the war. Likewise, Germany would have abandoned their plans to conquer Japan and being so far away, there would have been no real reason to pursue the east once they take a serious share of Europe.
In short, lots of larger players within the world stage would have had their reasons to led Germany to hold on their ambition, This lack of interference would itself had been morally wrong considering the Nazis trying to exterminate a complete section of the population like Jews and so-called desirable s just like the gay people, mentally unstable people, Romanies, etc. So if the Germans had won the second war and were allowed to continue their group action, we might have now been living in an exceeding world were inside the greater German right these people would have eliminated.



Mitrabarun Banerjee
Enlighten Inc.

A management graduate and an Indian from India. A self believer and working with passion and honesty.